New member
First my specs- 20 Gal. main, 10 Gal. sump, 15 Gal. ref. 110w of PC and 40w VHO but am (as we speek) ordering parts to add 175w of MH 14k to that. ( hopefully will have it set up within about 2 weeks) Cal. 300-350 I have ordered C-balance to help with this (should be here this week) Alk 3.5 meq/l (not bad) nitrate-30 (ref is not set up yet!) nitrites 0, ammonia 0, pH 8.1
I have recently purchased a couple of clams from two different LFS. A 2.5" golden squamosa, which is doing great. and a 1.5" Maxima, which is not doing so good. Currently, I am removing them from my tank every night and feeding them Phytoplankton as suggested by two other reefers posts from a previous thread of mine. I would super feed them! Remove clams from tank in a bowl with tank water add DTS until water is a greenish (light) tint. Do not put bowl under any lights (heat) Let clams stay in bowl 30 to 60 minutes (water will be clear again). Put clams back into tank another reefers comments- "Smaller clams do best if they are removable from tank to be fed several times a week.
I currently have I have been "power feeding and my clams stick their little spouts out when the are in the bowl and I don't put them back in my tank until the lights are off so there is no shock from being without light for an hour or more. When the max is in the tank during the day it does not stick out far at all and is pretty far up on the bottom too. Any suggestions? is it dying? Is it too late? I'll try to post some pics soon
I have recently purchased a couple of clams from two different LFS. A 2.5" golden squamosa, which is doing great. and a 1.5" Maxima, which is not doing so good. Currently, I am removing them from my tank every night and feeding them Phytoplankton as suggested by two other reefers posts from a previous thread of mine. I would super feed them! Remove clams from tank in a bowl with tank water add DTS until water is a greenish (light) tint. Do not put bowl under any lights (heat) Let clams stay in bowl 30 to 60 minutes (water will be clear again). Put clams back into tank another reefers comments- "Smaller clams do best if they are removable from tank to be fed several times a week.
I currently have I have been "power feeding and my clams stick their little spouts out when the are in the bowl and I don't put them back in my tank until the lights are off so there is no shock from being without light for an hour or more. When the max is in the tank during the day it does not stick out far at all and is pretty far up on the bottom too. Any suggestions? is it dying? Is it too late? I'll try to post some pics soon