St Jude tank workers needed for Jan 26th


New member
The hospital has an inspection coming up soon and the aquarium rooms need to be cleaned up and organized. Basically what I'm needing to get done is everything up off the floor accept the salt bucket, and stuff organized, cleaned, and hung. I would also like to bring some large Brute trashcans for water changes in while we're at it.
Anyone interested just post here and I'll post a time and place to meet closer to time.
We (Jennifer and I) are in! ...unless its tuesday or thursday after work or Saturday 10-3 (for me). But I think Jennifer is available during those times.
I can help that day until approx 2:30.

Do I need to finish anything, i.e. ID or TB test in order to help? Can you remind me who to get in touch with to tell me exactly what is left to be able to work?

Oops! Just saw your other post. I'll get the TB test taken care of and let me know what gets worked out on IDs. I've done everything else.
Thanks Willem, Jen, and Cathy. Actually since you'll be accompanied by me there's nothing you need to do this time Cathy. I'll see about getting something worked out at St Jude so everyone can make an evening of the ID thing.
Barrett, I am planning on coming to St. Jude to have my ID made on the 26th. Everything is in for the healthscreen. Whenever I finish getting the ID made, I will come on down to the clinic.
I was thinking afternoonish Willem. That should give everyone time to get rested, ready, and awake. Its not a whole lot of work. Just some cleaning, organization, and shelf hanging. Unless yall want to really do some playing :)
this is for friday, right. I am supposed to work til 5 but I might be able to get out by 4 if I skip lunch. Jennifer will be gone by then, so she will be no help. :)
poop. friday I am supposed to go to an open house at an art gallery on main. so I cant stay at stjude late either. I will try my best to get off work at 4 and then you can have me from then until I have to go to the art thing.
Oh, no poop then. see ya sat. call me if you need to change time or to let me know where to meet (I assume @ the fish tanks :) ) 4903739
Alright. Here's the plan. Kermit's opens at noon so I will go there and pick up some more rock and hopefully some snails. From there I'll head to St Jude. Lets all meet at St Jude at 1:30. I'll need someone to bring a drill with them and some screw bits so we can hang shelves. I have my drill so really only one more would do it. While we're getting the shelves up in one room the other room can be gettting cleaned up and organized. Does anyone have a truck to use? I want to try and take my water bucket to St Jude and maby pick up another at Sam's. If you have a truck or SUV that could hold a 45G rubbermaid trashcan let me know.
Empty and turned on its side should go in my SUV. I have a drill somewhere ... not sure about bits. I'll look.
Just so you know...Kermit's opens at 11:00 on Saturdays...not noon.

How did it go? Are we all organized now? Sorry I couldn't make it, but I had to work.