Starting a 180! Need some help!


New member
Hi guys, Can't seem to figure out how to setup my water changes. on the diagram i have a 20 g tank for my water changes now when i turn the valve and empty out the water change tank into the sump, whats the best way of draining the same amount of water that i empty out from the change tank? oh and the sump is glass so i cant drill it. and also the auto topoff is this going to work?


Post a thread for Randy over in the Chemistry Forum. I've read some stuff on the pump he uses for water changes, pretty cool. I'm sure he'd help you out.
well if you had your water change container empty, you can pump water up to it from your sump to a certain level, then on the drain from it to your sump, you can have a T that takes it to a sink etc...

Or, you can do that just once, fill up the container from water from the sump, 20 gal let say...and then measure the water level in the sump... from there on, when you do changes, pump water out from sump to sink/drain whatever....stop when it gets to water line you marked... and then add the 20 gal from the water container.

Just an idea.
mark your running level small mag drive to pump water out of sump then fill it back up. or to automate more use 2 seperate float switches one to pump water out to desired level then the second to bring in new water ( more expensive )
Maybe i just have to redesign this thing totally. I just cant seem to get it,randy suggested using dosing pumps, i really dont want to do that, unless it comes down to that. Time to do more reading, will post what i have decided to do.