***starting a new 230 gal reef tank. need advice***


New member
Hi people,

After 2 years of FO tank, I decided to start a reef tank. I know its not easy, thats why Im asking your advice

First of all, I would like to ask about the depth of sand bed, and the type of sand I should use.

Im planning to setup a sand ben of 3-4 inches. And Im probably gonna use small size regular white sand. Please let me know your valuable advices so that I can decide on the depth of sand bed.

On the other hand, if I use non-alive sand, what would be the time I should be waiting in order to let the sand to produce its own organisms/bacteria?

The reason why Im not going to be able to use live sand is that the part of the worlf we are living in is a little bit far from the better products in the world :)

Waiting for your feedback.

well I have been doing some reading about it, and I wanted to double check if it was good idea. don't you recommend DSB?