Starting back up, got some questions.


Hi folks. I gave away all my tanks back in 06, and I recently decided to get back into the hobby. Keeping my head busy with something I like is therapeutic. I have been out of the loop for a while so I need some help being brought up to speed. I got on craigslist and managed to pick up a reef ready 75 Gal tank with stand, canopy, about 120 lbs of live rock, Dual HQI and PC fixture, coralife HOB 65 skimmer, a wet dry rigged into a sump, a phosban reactor, pumps etc.

I am not too crazy about the rigged wet/dry setup I got, so I bought a 40 gallon breeder which I plan to turn into a sump. I also purchased an SCA-302 skimmer after reading good things about it. Here is where I need your help. Doing some searches someone advised to cut the baffles for a 40 Gal breeder at 17 3/8" and different heights. Would this leave too big of a gap? Also, can you recommend a glass shop in the Miami area? I live down south but I don't mind driving. What flow rate/return pump do you guys recommend I should run for a setup like this? I was thinking somewhere in the 1000 to 1200 gph. Is it better to go with an internal or external pump nowadays for energy efficiency and reliability?

I'm starting another thread soon for the build. For now I'm just doing some heavy duty cleaning, which is boring to post up.

Thanks in advance.
Doing some searches someone advised to cut the baffles for a 40 Gal breeder at 17 3/8" and different heights. Would this leave too big of a gap? Thanks in advance.
The width of the baffle should be (the width of the inside of the tank) - (3/16th) x (2)= 3/8". Some people leave a 1/8" gap on either side of the baffle but I think that is more than necessary, still works with plenty of silicone.
hey ebzhighestbidder,

first off welcome back to the reefing world! As far as the glass guy to use, i went to bird rd and a little off 107th ave.. more like 108th.. there is a glass and window shop there. they did my baffles.

for my 55 long build i am using a reef octopus DC external pump 10500. ( what i like the most about this is i can slow the pump down if there is too much flow. ) this pump can push out 2275gph and low electricity use. the reason why i am using the external is for a better look / function instead of an in sump. but that is all up to you how you want to run returns. ( hard lines or flex lines. )
Completely level your tank and run a pump that is just fast enough to skim the surface of the water well into your overflow. Don't get a huge pump, it just consumes more energy than needed and the higher velocity contributes to noise, unless you have a huge overflow like a Bean Animal/Herbie. Personally, I have the Maggie Muffler on my 75gal RR.

I prefer pumps with good strainers- TUnze, Eheim, Syncra , Aquamedic Ocean Runner and some Laguna-based pumps have good strainers and great reliability.
Use propeller pumps for the inside of the Display tank: (2) Tunze 6095s with Controller or (2) Korallias 1400s on Hydor Smart Wave. Or (2) Jebao W25's is what I would do for your 75gal. On my own 75RR, I have a Tunze 6045 and Korallia 1400 on a Hydor Smart Wave controller.
hey ebzhighestbidder,

first off welcome back to the reefing world! As far as the glass guy to use, i went to bird rd and a little off 107th ave.. more like 108th.. there is a glass and window shop there. they did my baffles.

for my 55 long build i am using a reef octopus DC external pump 10500. ( what i like the most about this is i can slow the pump down if there is too much flow. ) this pump can push out 2275gph and low electricity use. the reason why i am using the external is for a better look / function instead of an in sump. but that is all up to you how you want to run returns. ( hard lines or flex lines. )

I'm going to check out that glass shop, thanks for the heads up. Also, those DC pumps are very appealing. Thanks for bringing them up. I am going to research them a bit more, I had no idea they existed.

Use propeller pumps for the inside of the Display tank: (2) Tunze 6095s with Controller or (2) Korallias 1400s on Hydor Smart Wave. Or (2) Jebao W25's is what I would do for your 75gal. On my own 75RR, I have a Tunze 6045 and Korallia 1400 on a Hydor Smart Wave controller.

I like the Koralias and the smart wave controller setup, saw a neat youtube video on how they work. I haven't researched the Jebao pumps in depth, and I'm not quite sure how their controller works. I have to look that up, but I have some time before the tank is ready for livestock. And BTW Ecotechs are very innovative, but their price tags break up happy homes.

If I get those baffles cut this week, I should have the tank plumbed and ready this weekend, and I can fill it with water and start cycling by the weekend of the 28th. That will give me time to research and decide on purchasing a new return pump or running the one that came with the tank. I'm leaning towards getting a new pump because I have no clue the pump brand or model of the old one. I would hate to start up and have a pump failure. At least I could keep it as a backup...

Thanks for the replies.
The DC pumps to me was a no brain Decision.
you can control speed of the pump and we all know less speed = less electricity.
but, if you want more flow you can ramp it up.. all in all the DC10500 only uses 50W at full load. also making the pump external gives you one less thing IN the sump and to clean every once in a while. lol

a computer uses 150w - 1200w ( depending on the build / use of the computer. )
oh , almost forgot.. NEVER buy any ecotech stuff new at least from a retailer.
these fourms are GOLD to buy equipment. i think i have saved over 1,000$ just buying from other members. so maybe a MP40 wont break the bank. i got mine used for 325.