Starting New 300 Gallon- Got Some Questions


New member
Wow... it has been a long time since I've been able to actually think about reefkeeping, much less even do anything about it. Luckily, a few weeks ago, I came across a used acrylic custom 300 gallon that measures 80"L X 36"H X 24"D, which is a pretty large upgrade from my current 60 gallon.

My plan is to keep a mixed reef (predominantly SPS), while stocking it with a pretty good amount of fish. So I realize that I am going to need a very efficient/powerful skimmer to maintain the vibrant colors of my SPS corals and overall health of the tank.

With that being said, I am starting from scratch since I can't really carry over any of my equipment from my 60 gallon tank (except for maybe the tank itself to act as a frag tank or something). I already have the tank in my garage, along with the stand and canopy. Now, its time for me to start planning out what equipment I'll be using, and hopefully some of you guys can help with that.

We'll start with filtration... the tank came with an EcoSystem/Miracle Mud sump, so I was planning on having approximately half of the water flow directly through the EcoSystem, returning back to the main tank. The other half of the water would then flow through protein skimmer (among other things), and this is where my questions begin.

I'm trying to decide on the most efficient/powerful out-of-sump skimmer available that might be able to fit under my stand, which provides 27 inches in clearance. I've looked at a few that might work, including the Turboflotor 5000 Shorty (only stands 24"), ReeFlo Orca 200 (which stands 26"), Tunze DOC 9020 (standing 18.1"), and ETSS 800 XR (25" tall), and wanted to get some feedback from any of you that have used any of these skimmers and/or has an opinion on which one would work best in this setup. If you have any other skimmer suggestions, feel free.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!! I'll try to post some pics soon.
I have not used any of those, but the Reeflow 200 is great skimmer. Not sure what are the chance of plaing the skimmer somewhere else, but under the tank. If it was me I would do everything possible to do that if this is an option I would go with the Reeflow 250 and you would be one happy reefer with that skimmer. Hope it helps.
Thanks for the reply tomasz...

Yeah, I'm trying to talk the wife into letting me set up a modified cabinet beside the tank (make it look like a nice piece of furniture on the outside, but when you open the doors you find a treasure chest of fish equipment). If my magic works, then I will definitely have some more options, and would be more open to other skimmers.

However, I did see one customer review with the Orca 250 that wouldn't recommend this for anything under 400 gallons. For some reason they felt it would overskim the tank... but I don't think that will be an issue with my setup.

For now though, I have to work under the assumption that the cabinet idea is a "no-go" and find skimmers that fit under the stand.
Looked at your tank profile tomasz, and it sounds on paper like a pretty sweet looking tank. How did you plumb your tank?

Any pics?

Maybe that'll be my next upgrade :rollface:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14099072#post14099072 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gofor100
Looked at your tank profile tomasz, and it sounds on paper like a pretty sweet looking tank. How did you plumb your tank?

Any pics?

Maybe that'll be my next upgrade :rollface:

Not the best picture, but will give you an idea. It is in wall system.

Tomasz- Looks awesome... I've never seen a fish like the one in your first picture though, is it a new species to the trade? :lmao:

JRF- thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to check it out.
Hey JRF,

I just checked out reefconcepts, and it looks like the Aerofoamer 824 would fit my dimensions (it's only 24" tall), and it is rated up to 500 gallons.

Do you have one of these or something similar on your tank?

Thanks for the suggestion.

And does anyone have any experience with any skimmer that would fit in a 27" tall stand but still skim the crap out of a 300 gallon tank?
Alright... I'm not one to frequently change my mind, but I think I'm going to approach the plumbing of this tank a little differently.

I was talking my idea over with one of my friends, and we may have concluded that it would be easier to plumb 100% of the tank overflow into a sump where an in-sump protein skimmer filters the water, where it then will flow into the EcoSystem sump, which I will use more as a algae/turf scrubber to absorb any remaining nutrients left over from the skimmer.

With that said, my protein skimmer needs have somewhat changed, and now I am looking for an in-sump skimmer with similar measurements.

If anyone has any suggestions and good/bad experiences with skimmers that would suit a 300 gallon, I would really appreciate any comments.

And in the end, if there isn't a suitable skimmer that fits under my stand, I will have to lay down the law in my house (yeah right).

like and use a Bermuda skimmer, model BPS-8C, works both in or out of the sump. Its 24 inches tall and a bit pricey but well worth it to me. I've had no problems with it from day one and love it...
I use the Aerofoamer skimmer and they are great. You can also use them in sump. Frank is a great guy and I highly recommend !
You guys are awesome... thanks a lot for the feedback.

I'll go ahead and look into all of those to see which one fits into my scheme best.

And I'll definitely have some pictures and more questions in the upcoming days.

Thanks again... (and if anyone else has other suggestions/comments, feel free).
Other than the price, has anyone heard of any noticeable differences of performance or longevity between the above-suggested in-sump skimmers and the EuroReef CS400E (which is 24" tall and could fit under my stand)?

Reason why I ask is because I currently run my 60 gallon tank on a EuroReef, and like the performance, but of course, you definitely pay a premium on the name "EuroReef".