Starting over for the worst possible reason

sea witch1

Starting over for the worst of all possible reasons

I have heard people say that its "œheartbreaking" when they have a tank crash"¦well now I know that's one of the biggest understatements I've ever heard. Complete and utter emotional breakdown is more like it. About a week ago I came home to a tank that hadn't had any circulation in days. Only the movement from the return pump. As I'm sure you can guess, that resulted in a complete loss of life to everything in my tank. There really are no words to describe what that looked like. I futilely tried to save a few of my fish and coral, but they were too far gone. I have no one to blame but myself. I was testing out the Jebo 25 I bought only to realize it was too strong. It was late at night and I was leaving out of town in the morning, so I disconnected it and went to sleep. I didn't realize I hadn't turned anything back on until I got home a few days later. It was like walking into a nightmare. Thank goodness my son was around to help with the cleanup"¦.I initially was gonna take a break, but honestly, I couldn't get my tank off my mind. So I plan to start again; I bought a couple pieces at my lfs today. With that being said im now looking for a few reasonably priced frags to get restarted. So anyone in the area that has a deal or 2 let me know. Thanks
I feel your pain... i lost most of my corals from a crash. Right now its torn down and im about to rebuild
I feel your pain. Ive made a few bad moves before. Now I check my tanks before I leave anytime. just a quick look Ive caught pumps off, skimmers about to flood, temp issue, lights left onn/off. It just takes a minute. Im also investing in an apex for online monitoring.
I have a colony of pon birdsnest I will offer up. I am in OC in Newport Beach. Free of charge f course. If you want some red cap I can offer that as well.

I have been through a crash before. Needless to say it sucks... To look on the bright side the tank I built after the loss was way better. Almost like a do over on anything you didn't really like in the first place. Not trying to downplay the bummer just looking at the "bright" side.

Let me know if you want the coral
Thank you everyone. The tank was a 90g, so it would take quite a bit to restock it. So instead, I have a 28g that I will work on for now. I'm just gonna take it slow. Thanks again
if you come to la/the valley I have a colt coral, yellow Fiji,shrooms,mid size rainbow mille & a lot of the old school zoas.Ill be back in town around the 1st.Drop me a pm if you're interested.