State College area reef-sitter?


New member
Looks like I am going to be on a ship in the Philippine sea for about a month in the spring, taking data for my graduate work. My girlfriend is generally pretty good about keeping the water topped up and dropping food in the tank, but I would love to have someone local that she could call if things went wrong, since I will be out of reach. I also am going to week long conferences more and more often, and sometimes it is tough to explain things over the phone...

Even better would be if there were someone who could stop by every week or two and just make sure things looked right.

Right now I have a 150 mixed reef and a 75 frag tank, but they are pretty lightly stocked and low-tech, so not too much goes wrong. (Knock on wood!) "Payment" could be in frags, homebrew beer, or reciprocated tank-sitting.

Also, if anyone wants to get together and geek out about reefs in person, I am up for that too. There is nothing quite like seeing how other people set up and run their system in person.

I am in the State College area, just across College from Lemont.
I am about 45 mins away. I would be willing to do emergency stops if needed. I can explain things over the phone well. I used to to that professionally for Marineland about 4 years ago. I had to talk to many managers of stores who know nothing about fish or the systems they had.

When are you planning your departure? I may be able to stop depending on when you are leaving.

We can talk more about this. I will pm you my phone info.