stereo blenny


this is a stereo image - you need to go crosseyed to view it to its full effect. When you can see three images, concentrate on the centre image and you should 'lock in' and see the effect. Its really cool. This is my first effort incidentally.... hope to produce some better ones soon in my galleries.

nice! I was reading up on some DIY stereo-photography the other day... Can I ask how you did it?


This may help people who don't know how to make their eyes/brain see the 3D.

Taken from here

1. Place the image in Figure 1 in the center of your screen.
2. Sit at your normal distance.
3. Slowly cross your eyes. You will see a double image, or four dots.
4. Continue to cross until the middle two images overlap.
5. Adjust focus on middle image, keeping the two images overlapped.

You should see the blue circle floating above the black circle.

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GREAT IMAGE! I do alot of stereo work... Though I prefer to make them gifs that shift back and forth just because it's easier for a lot of people.

Did you use two separate cameras or shoot then move? what program do you use?

it's just two identical images actually... I didn't think it would work, but there seems to be some effect. I am going to try it with two slightly different shots shortly.