sticking corals to rock.


New member
I have 2 corals that have become detached from their plugs during transport.
They are a frogspawn and a duncan.
I initially simply pushed them in to my sand substrate and they were flourishing, however, they have been knocked over by my hermit crabs a few times in the last couple of days.
What should I use to stick them to rock and how long can I leave them out of water while the glue sets?
Is there anything on the market that will stick under water?
If they still need to acclimate why don't you glue them back to the plugs and set them in a piece of egg crate on the sand or a low sitting rock. That should help with keeping them from getting knocked over.

When you're ready to permanently place them I use CorAffix.
I have 2 corals that have become detached from their plugs during transport.
They are a frogspawn and a duncan.
I initially simply pushed them in to my sand substrate and they were flourishing, however, they have been knocked over by my hermit crabs a few times in the last couple of days.
What should I use to stick them to rock and how long can I leave them out of water while the glue sets?
Is there anything on the market that will stick under water?

For something like those I usually use a "sandwich". Make a small ball of 2-part epoxy puddy, superglue (gel) it to the bottom of the frag(or plug) and then put another smear (be generous) on the bottom of the puddy ball. Push this to the rock you are affixing to and hold it for a minute. Do not move it too much while you are waiting for it to set, as the putty will take on water and get soft.

The putty sets in a few minutes and will be hard as a rock in a day, the superglue is set in under a minute typically. They are both safe to be used in the aquarium wet. The SG should be any Cyanoacrylate based gel and the putty can be one of the aquarium branded ones or JB Waterweld.
why dont u just glue it back to the plug i use BSI Cyanoacrylate IC-Gel Aquarium
sets fast
if you want to glue the frags to your LR. them use bsi ic gel w/epoxy.
-make a small ball with the epoxy, set a side
-put some bsi gel on the stem of the plug
-now take the epoxy and cover the plug stem and dip in water few times. the gel will start to get hard and hold on the epoxy faster.
-now place the plug where u want it. u can put some bsi on the base of the epoxy also for a stronger hold.
-use your finger and pull l the epoxy at the base of the plug stem onto the rock.