Still Alive?


New member
Do these zoos look like they are alive still? Especially the two that are circled. They have been closed for 15 days since I got them.

The look like they are in pretty bad shape. What happen? Looks like some kind of infection.

Hard to tell if they are alive.
Have you dipped it yet? If not...
and if you really really really think you want to save the "frag", I would dip once in Lugol's solution and leave it alone to see what happens.
8-10oz of fresh water and 3-5 drops of Lugo's for like 2 or 3 min.

I did not dip the coral because it came from my neighbors tank. His zoanthids are growing really really well and don't look affected at all. They closed up my neighbor took the frag out and brought it over to me and hasn't opened since.

Where can I get Lugol's solution and what does it do exactly other than kill hitchhikers?
Try search online. Brightwell's, etc...

It helps prevent or cure infections.

Ask a better colony to your neighbor and please make sure your system is ready to receive the polyps. Ask him for tips. Perhaps he can check your system and give you some advice. That would be the easiest way, I guess. :D

Looks like I should pick some up then! I'll try to get some asap.

He's the guy I got the system from. It was doing great until I upgraded it. Then everything went down hill. I followed his instructions exactly when upgrading. But hopefully my tank has stabilized again.
Lugol's solution is not a magic portion and won't save a colony just because. It's a medicine and it does very well what it's supposed to do. If the polyps have internal injuries, if the system is not doing well or predators are acting up, Lugol's won't help.

If the problem was the upgrade then you need to solve the problem, not necessarily dip in Lugol's only. Make sure the system is back on track!

I'm sure people here will be more than happy to help you with your questions, if you need.
I just thought that if the zoas came from his tank he would be the best person to ask what to look for when adapting the polyps to your system.

Thanks for the response.

Of course, no medicine is a magic potion. So if I understand this correctly, Lugol's cleans the outside of the coral, right?

Yeah, I can't seem to figure out the problem. Right now my params are running 0,0 <2. My phosphate seems to stay the same as my nitrate constantly. I upgrading my skimmer it is overfilters the tank. If that doesn't help then I'm not sure what will. But I'm determined to figure it out!

Thanks again for your help! I'll continue posting pictures of this zoa colony if something new happens.
They def dont look good. I had a real nice colony of zoas die on me for no reason. Open and happy one day, and within a week empty rock. Hopefully they will turn around for you, keep up updated.
Thanks for the response.

Of course, no medicine is a magic potion. So if I understand this correctly, Lugol's cleans the outside of the coral, right?

Yeah, I can't seem to figure out the problem. Right now my params are running 0,0 <2. My phosphate seems to stay the same as my nitrate constantly. I upgrading my skimmer it is overfilters the tank. If that doesn't help then I'm not sure what will. But I'm determined to figure it out!

Thanks again for your help! I'll continue posting pictures of this zoa colony if something new happens.

Lugol's will act on whatever it comes in contact with. Open wounds will get benefits from it, yes. Repetitive dips aren't very welcome, only if necessary.

Hard to see that a skimmer upgrade alone would do that to the colony, but...
The better the skimmer works the best it is for the systems IME.

You're welcome.
Hope it goes well.
I'll wait for the pictures.

They def dont look good. I had a real nice colony of zoas die on me for no reason. Open and happy one day, and within a week empty rock. Hopefully they will turn around for you, keep up updated.

There are those times that really doesn't matter what you do, but after a certain point the polyps just can't fight anymore and they just melt away.
Most infections need a prompt attention and dipping to have a good ending.

No more than one dip, got it :).

Oh no, I haven't upgraded the skimmer yet! I'm about to get one rated for 100g for my 20g tank. I'm hoping the extra powerful skimmer will help :).

They def dont look good. I had a real nice colony of zoas die on me for no reason. Open and happy one day, and within a week empty rock. Hopefully they will turn around for you, keep up updated.

I know how that feels! I had one do that to me. Over a 60 polyps one day and then the next day it didn't open. Stayed closed for 22 days before melting away.