Still FS: PanWorld pump, PhosPure, PhosBan, MagFloats, Eheim Feeder, more small stuff


New member
Call, text, or PM Jack, 305-962-0828. Located at 5838 Collins Ave. Still selling coral and live sand too.
- Panworld return pump. NH-50PX-X In service about 4 years, fantastic pump. $30
- Eheim Automatic Feeder Comes with batteries and spare food receptical. $15. Free food if you buy this too.
- MagFloats, 3 3/8" x 2 5/8" I have two of them. $3 each
- Water proof juncion boxes with GFCI outlets and water resistance hinged cover: $5 each (I have two)
- Mechanical plug in timers $1 each ( I have 5)
- Three socket electrical splitters $1 each (I have 3)
- Big rubbermaid roughneck trashcan 32Gallon no lid: $2
- 7 Gallon blue water container with built in spout in the top $2
- 5 gallon buckets $2 each (I have two, no tops)

Absorption Media/chemicals
- PhosBan 454g/1 lb, 65% left, $10
- PhosPure Pad, 15"x30", 75% left, $5
- NatuReef Reef Former Concentrate, 16oz, 95% left, $2
- NatuReef LIFO, tiny bottle, most of it left, $1
- Sodium Hydroxide NaOH, 2 Normal, about 12oz, $2
- Kent Marine Super Chelated Iron, 8oz bottle, 75% full, $1
- Hydrometers, two of them, $1 each

Various salifert tests but not sure how old they are:
- Nitrate 50% left $2
- Nitrite 80% left $2
- Ammonia 35% left $2
- Phosphate 35% left $2
- Calcium, 40% left, $2
- KH, 40% left, $2
- PH, 50% left, $2
Last edited:
- All timers
- 3 way electrical splitters
- PhosBan
- PhosPure
- NatuReef Reef Former
- NautReef LIFO
- All test kits

Still available:
- Panworld return pump. NH-50PX-X In service about 4 years, fantastic pump. $30
- Eheim Automatic Feeder Comes with batteries and spare food receptical. $15. Free food if you buy this too.
- MagFloats, 3 3/8" x 2 5/8" I have two of them. $3 each
- Water proof junction boxes with GFCI outlets and water resistance hinged cover: $5 each (I have two)
- Big rubbermaid roughneck trashcan 32Gallon no lid: $2
- 7 Gallon blue water container with built in spout in the top $2
- 5 gallon buckets $2 each (I have two, no tops)
- Sodium Hydroxide NaOH, 2 Normal, about 12oz (for Aiptasia), $2
- Kent Marine Super Chelated Iron, 8oz bottle, 75% full, $1
- Hydrometers, two of them, $1 each