STILL some left!! Nice stuff too....


Premium Member
Thanks to all that have come by and picked up some livestock, I hope everything is doing well and hope that everyone feels like they got a fair deal.

I still have a lot of nice pieces left. Since I don't have as much left now I can take people individually. So if you were unable to make it on Sunday send me PM and we'll set up a time that's convenient for both of us.

Cali-Torts ($15 and $30) (no tort fans? can't beat those prices)
Steve Elias stag look-alike ($30) Large frag 2-3 inches and a very fast grower.
Superman (M. Danae) ($45 and $40) -ATR really wants these!! I'd rather see the reefers get them before they double/triple the prices. - this does grow very fast, you should make your money back very quickly, and them some!!
ORA Poccilapora ($20) I just paid $40 for this 3 months ago...
Bali Slimer ( 2 for $5 )
Blue-tipped slimer ($10)
Moffet Tenuis ($15)
Blue tipped tenuis ($5)
Orange Capricornis - very large frags (2-3 square inches) $15
Green Capricornis - 8"X6" inch piece, multiple cups - $35
Misc frags ($5)

Red/green favia - $50
Tiger stripe scolymia $65 (very very nice) bright orange/pink, big guy too..nicest LPS in my tank
Neon Green Frogspawn (wall type, not branching) $50, can't believe this one hasn't sold yet - gorgeous, very bright.
Purple/green brain (lobophyllia) - $50, very large
Bright green flowerpot (not G.Stokesi which normally don't survive, had this one for almost 1.5 years) $30
Favia-green eyed brown - $20
Blasto (Merletti) $20 (X2),
Blasto wellsi - $20 - four polyps -red ring, neon green centers.

Yellows - $10
Blues $35 - can't believe these are still here... (2X2") Light blue center, navy blue ring, and brown skirts.

Large Blue Crocea clam, 6" - $50 - one of the larger croceas I've seen. (come on!! no clam fans????, bright blue.

Yellow Tang - $25
Hepatus Tang $30
Neon Dottyback $15
Tiger wardi sleeper goby $15 (ClownSpawn's if he still wants it.)

Snails & crabs - $.50 for hermits and $1.00 for snails..
Large nassarius
blue legged hermits

Live rock is also available - this is Kaelini rock - usually sales locally for 5-7$/lb. Much of the rock is covered with zoos and has some leftover encrusting acro/monti left on it from where the colony was. Completely encrusted in coralline. Very heavy microfauna population. I would think even a small piece would be a good addition to any aquarium - just for the microfauna. This rock is about 3 years old - and just keeps getting better. $4/lb -

Most of the livestock was cherry picked by myself either at the store or in LA - directly from the wholesalers.

I like to think the quality is much better than what you would find at any local store, since the pieces I found were the best of the best.

I believe my prices are fair - being much cheaper than retail for higher quality piece and more than I would get if I traded it in, which is what I will do when there is no more interest (so buy it now before they double the price!!)

Please feel free to pm me for any questions.

Pics to follow..
"Superman (M. Danae) ($45 and $40) -ATR really wants these!! I'd rather see the reefers get them before they double/triple the prices. - this does grow very fast, you should make your money back very quickly, and them some!!"

isn't that too true honestly
I still want my 50 lbs of LR...I am just waiting until either my new tank is ready...or until you can't keep it in your tank anymore. Just keep me posted. I will be ready with my tank is about 2 weeks. -DIRT
Hey Dirt, you have your T5 lights, right? Why don't you just pick it up and throw it in a tub with water, heater, powerhead, etc? That will also give you some gallons of good starter water for your tank.

I thought about that Clint, but I really dont' have any place to put a tub, nor do I have a tub big enough. I would have to use two tubs and do it that way. If it comes down to it I will definatly get the tubs going on, but I would rather just get it in the tank directly and get this ball rolling.
Dirt - Lots of rock still available- althought a few nice ones (zoo covered) have been bought. ( I sold one very covered zoo live rock for $5, it was only 1.5lbs. - good deal to say the least, oh yeah, also had a feather duster attched)

I'll keep you posted but I'm looking at about 2 weeks to completely through in the towel.
Thanks man,
I can get it whenever, but the longer you have it at your place the better for me at this point. I will be out of town from Wen-Sun this week, so if need be I can come pick it up on Monday...but hopefully we can wait until the weekend of the 1st. Just stay in touch, I definatly want it, and I have the $$$ ready for you! -DIRT


Cali-Torts ($15 and $25) (no tort fans? can't beat those prices)
ORA Poccilapora ($20) I just paid $40 for this 3 months ago...
Bali Slimer ( 2 for $5 )
Blue-tipped slimer ($10)
Moffet Tenuis ($15)
Blue tipped tenuis ($5)
Green table frag (2square inches) - $15 - a little brown right now since I moved it, usually nice green color, will color back up.
Orange Capricornis - very large frags (2-3 square inches)(2 left) $15
Green cap frags - $5, 1-3 inches, multiple
Misc frags ($5)

Tiger stripe scolymia $65 (very very nice) bright orange/pink, big guy too..nicest LPS in my tank
Neon Green Frogspawn (wall type, not branching) $50, can't believe this one hasn't sold yet - gorgeous, very bright.
Purple/green brain (lobophyllia) - $50, very large, paid $100 at Tong's in Fountain Valley, CA (LA area - renowned store)
Favia-green eyed - $20
Blasto (Merletti) $20 (X1)

Yellows - $8
Teal with yellowish centers $10

Large Blue Crocea clam, 6" - $50 - one of the larger croceas I've seen. (come on!! no clam fans????, bright blue.

Yellow Tang - $20
Hepatus Tang $25
Neon Dottyback $15
Tiger wardi sleeper goby $15 (ClownSpawn's if he still wants it.)

Snails & crabs - $.50 for hermits and $1.00 for snails..
blue legged hermits

Live rock is also available -$4/lb. About 100lbs left, maybe more. lots of zoo covered pieces still left. Some with xenia too.

Please pm me and we'll work out a convenient time for you to come out, or meet somewhere.
Ill take the Cali-Torts ($15 and $25) (no tort fans? can't beat those prices) if they can go home with the fish :D
Clown Spawn - no problem, just give me a call. thanks

clkwrk - No problem, I'll wrap them up at the same time!! Thanks
I just spoke with you on the phone. I will be coming over with about $300.00. I am so dissapointed about the frogspawn being gone. Oh well, I couldn't get there sooner than tomorrow. I am hoping that you will be able to help me pick some stuff out. I don't want to bring anything home that will be difficult to care for. I am thinking mostly zoos at this point. Maybe a fish or too ( neon dottyback?). What should I bring besides a bucket?
I have ordered some T-5 lighting that should arrive next week. Do you think that it would wor for the clam? I used to have halides but my MH ballast gve it up a couple of years ago.
See ya tommorrow night!