Stingray webcam finally up!


New member
Well, after many headaches and much learning, I finally got the webcam on my 252 gallon Stingray tank up.
It's a 252 gallon key-hole shaped tank, lit with radion LEDs.
Current stocking is a female California round stingray, Blonde naso tang, desjardini sailfin tang, magnificent foxface rabbitfish, coral beauty angel, eibli angel, harlequin tusk, 5 green chromis, and a couple of grass shrimp that haven't been eaten yet.
There is also a maxi-mini anemone, a cluster of a couple of different color polyps, and a decent sized chunk of frogspawn.
Please feel free to let me know what you think about the tank/setup/lighting/cam. Enjoy!
the login is "wheatstingray" and the password is "stingray" (I know....soooo click on "single" at the top after login.
Looks awesome, great way to monitor your aquarium, what camera is that?

I wonder if maybe the radion over the empty space is just an overkill???

Amazing how much the stingray swims around
Very nice! What is the limitation on the image as regards size, speed, colour, etc.? Is it the camera or the server's bandwidth?


Looks awesome, great way to monitor your aquarium, what camera is that?

I wonder if maybe the radion over the empty space is just an overkill???

Amazing how much the stingray swims around
The camera is a Panasonic BL-C230A.
I know the radion is a bit more than necessary...but it's lighting a 44" wide area on 60%, and puts out NO heat. kids love watching the thunderstorms over the entire

Very nice! What is the limitation on the image as regards size, speed, colour, etc.? Is it the camera or the server's bandwidth?


640x480 is the resolution limit (I think...not positive because i'm at It is color during the day, at night as lights dim, it switches to "night" mode and everything gets gray/black/white. 30fps is what I have it set at now....not sure what the limit is on speed.

WOW!!! That Stingray looks like it's going to jump out of the tank:eek1:

Yeah...she's very
Sometimes she'll pop up in the middle of the tank and everything but her tail is above water. The kids and I joke about her "dolphin impression" as she pops up and flips her "wings".