Stock List


New member
Hey all,

My 60g cube has just gone off to be drilled and i get it back 4 days with my sump and refuge.
So i have been playing with a couple of stock lists and this is the main one i have liked.

2x percula clowns
1x longnose hawk
1x microdot puffer

do i have any room for another small fish and is there any compatibilty issues?

tank is 2x2x2foot display with 30g sump/fuge and will have some MH lighting in about 2 months so will any of these fish not like high lighting?
they should all get along. you probably have room for one more small fish. the hawk will probably eat ornimental shrimp and probaly hermits.....not sure with the puffer though.

but if it's a fowlr or FO tank it sounds good.
i only really have expeirence with lions which is the shrimp eater?
I would like a nice steaqdy clean up crew. im presuming the puffer so what would be a good fish to change him with.

The only corals will be zoanthids and their will only be a couple of rocks bought and hopefully they will grow
you could get a whitespotted puffer from Hawaii. They wont eat corals. My friend keeps them with sps, lps, zoos, clams etc with no troubles.
get the longnose really small and you sould be OK with cleanershrimps.