New member
Hello everyone! Longer post I'm sorry in advance lol. I recently set up and cycled a 90 gallon 4 foot tank 15 gallon or so sump. Tank has a center overflow, 50 or so pounds of reef saver rock from BRS, 15lbs of live rock from my LFS, possibly adding a few pieces of tonga shelf as well soon, 1.5-2" of ocean direct carib sea sand substrate, 2 koralia PH 1150s, mag drive return, 2 fluval sea led A3985 fixtures, reef octopus 150SS skimmer. The skimmer/substrate/dry and live rock/PHs/heater all bought new. The rest (tank/stand/canopy/return/lights/sump) all got used on an amazing deal. After displacement of rock/substrate my total water volume is around 85gallons. I always wanted to get into Aquariums but never pulled the trigger til now. I'm married with 2 young kids and a 3rd on the way so this is a complete family project and enjoyment with everyone involved. I however am the one reading/researching/building/cleaning. My wife checks all the parameters. Im holding at a 1.0255 -1.026 SG (dips a little from evaporation until i top off every morning) ammonia nitirite 0s nitrates are at 5 PH is 8.0. So far (after cycle completed) I have added a pair of juvenile oc. clowns one slightly larger than the other to create a bonded pair (theyve been in a week getting along great) I also have 3 hermits and a small peppermint shrimp for cleanup crew (will add assortment of snails soon and as needed to help cuc). My current plan is to run a FOWLR setup for close to the first year to help create strong husbandry and ensure success before I add corals. When I do start adding corals it will mainly have softies/zoas/few LPS. Now that info is out of the way onto my stocking question reguarding FOWLR set up. I want to know if my list seems compatible with everyone as I do have a few semi aggressive fish on the list.
1. Pair of oc. clowns (already in the tank)
2. Linespot flasher wrasse (1 male 3 female is my thoughts)
3. Exquisite fairy wrasse (1male)
4. Flame angel (I know potential hazard to when i go reef)
5. Coral beauty (Again potential hazard/add same time as Flame to minimize aggression)
6. Yellow tang (tang police don't kill me)
7. Diamondback goby (after tank is well established 1yr+ to ensure substrate will have proper food for this sand sifter)
My worry is the possible aggession against the wrasses from the dwarf angels and yellow tang. That is also the order im thinking of adding as well. I am brand new to this hobby this is my first saltwater tank. I personally think my stocking list will work but wanted input from people who have (obviously) more experience than myself. Thanks in advance for any and all advice or constructive criticism.
1. Pair of oc. clowns (already in the tank)
2. Linespot flasher wrasse (1 male 3 female is my thoughts)
3. Exquisite fairy wrasse (1male)
4. Flame angel (I know potential hazard to when i go reef)
5. Coral beauty (Again potential hazard/add same time as Flame to minimize aggression)
6. Yellow tang (tang police don't kill me)
7. Diamondback goby (after tank is well established 1yr+ to ensure substrate will have proper food for this sand sifter)
My worry is the possible aggession against the wrasses from the dwarf angels and yellow tang. That is also the order im thinking of adding as well. I am brand new to this hobby this is my first saltwater tank. I personally think my stocking list will work but wanted input from people who have (obviously) more experience than myself. Thanks in advance for any and all advice or constructive criticism.