Stocking Help


New member
Hey everyone,

I am finalizing the equipment acquisition for an upgrade this upcoming April.
The tank will be an 80 gallon SPS dominant system. I plan to do a minimalistic reefscape with lots of open swim space. The tank's dimensions are 48"x24"x16".

I will be carrying over the following from my current systems:
  • Juvenile Potters Angel
  • 2 x Threadfin Cardinals
  • Picasso Clow Pair
  • Black Leopard Wrasse
  • Yellow Coris Wrasse
  • Flame Hawk
  • Chalk Basslet
  • Golden Dward Moray

I would like some input on some of the additions I am considering. Please note I do not intend to add all of these, these are just one's I'm interested in.

  • 3 more Threadfins
  • Anthias Trio
  • Flame Wrasse Pair
  • Show Piece Fish

I am a bit stuck on what show type fish I'd like to add. I'd like something a little bigger to stand out from all the smaller reef fish. Was thinking of a small tang. I really like the convict and chocolate mimic tang, but I just don't think this system is large enough for either of those. Does anyone have any recommendations for a tang suited for this size tank? Or, is it best to leave the tangs out of this one?

I really love the Regal Angel as well, but again this system is likely too small, unless I buy a juvenile and plan to rehome (which never really works out like you plan). So maybe attempt adding a second Potters and see if they'll pair?

Any suggestions/tips are greatly appreciated!
I'm totally biased on having everyone paired up ... To me it seems they're likely to be less lonely and having more of a " natural " life even though in captivity...
So potters has my vote! Since I believe centropyge are protogenous hermaphrodites it should be doable.
Ya I recently passed up on a beautiful potters pair. They were collected as a pair from Hawaii. When I came across them I was just too far out from upgrade to comfortably house them in the interim. So I got a golden dwarf moray instead! But I'm strongly leaning towards a pair. It shouldn't be too difficult I already have the hard find out of the way with a tiny potters. Shouldn't be too hard to find a medium/large potters
With a tang in an 80 gallon, you might get some aggression with the potters because they're both algae grazers. How about a marine betta? They're stunning.