Stocking Help


New member
My 44G Fowlr pentagon aquarium is almost finished cycling and I would like some opinions and help with stocking. For a community Tank I was thinking one Flameback Angel, one flame Hawkfish, one Midas Blenny, two ocellaris clowns, and a YWG. If I was to make it a Predator tank I was thinking a snowflake eel, a dwarf lion, a smaller Frogfish, and possibly a smaller stingfish. Any recommendations and honest opinions on what is possible will be greatly appreciated, I just don't want to overstock the tank and have issues. Thank you!!
Welcome to RC, Tpine44G! Good to hear you don't want to have overstocking issues.

What is that tank, 18 inches in diameter? Can you provide tank dimensions?

With tanks with less horizontal swimming room, it is best to pick fish that tend to hang in one place, like clownfish, watchman gobies, cardinal fish, barnacle blennies, midas and algae blennies. The hawkfish and angel are both pretty aggressive, especially in smaller confines.

I have no experience with those predators, so someone else with experience with them would be a better adviser.

With more vertical space, which I think you have, you can research the fishes' preferred swimming levels to keep the peace. Pick fish that swim at the top, the middle and the bottom, to take advantage of the verticality.

Once you have a fish list, the order of introduction is critical. Add smaller, more timid fish in first, and bigger, more boisterous fish last.

Good luck and have fun!
Welcome to RC!

How much Live Rock is in the tank? Do you have pictures available?

I have become critical lately when it comes to livestock and the health of the community or select group of fish. I think overstocking is a serious issue, or at the least there is the wrong selection of fish to be near each other.

REMEMBER- none of us have any golden answer. Everything you will receive from anyone here or the likes of myself, are anecdotal "truths" tried throughout a very long period of time. Always up for amends, and I am one to take liberty in effectively mobilizing the pursuit of such a mindset. It's critical to really consider getting the BEST QUALITY you can, in what is otherwise LIVING organisms you take care of. Consider this sympathetically, as you are putting life into your own hands.

Personally, I feel like you are leaning towards the aggressive fish, based on the color choice of your fish only selection. You are leaning towards bright red and animate fish, the clowns complementing with their color (which you can still technically get in an aggressive tank just be careful and I would certainly have an anemone host).

If you are leaning towards the aggressive fish then consider less fish. These fish are aggressive. They really don't appreciate each other in the tank. So consider that you could really have just a few, couple or even one fine specimen in such a tank, and give it the paradise it deserves. Otherwise you risk just basically killing off fish and having them constantly adrenalized from being crammed in a small tank of predators. Think..... These are fish, but I assure you their neurons still fire and retain instincts and reactions to prolonged stress or a great environment.

Be conscious.

If you ever come across me on these boards, let me tell you one thing: I have been in this hobby a long time, and I have thrown so many dead corals and fish in the garbage from not listening to others or FROM listening to others and not following my inner self.

THE REEF TANK is a piece of the ocean. It is as if you cut a portion of God and placed it in your room. Take this to heart. This is a masterpiece and something that requires delicate attention and immaculate patience. If you don't have these things then don't bother. These tanks are for just showing off to your peers. They should be a token of achievement, that someone can dedicate their time to securing life. "Playing God" if you will... so think about your community. They count on you.
I would go a little lighter on fish stocking list. That first list seems a little heavy to me. One of the quickest ways to fail in this hobby and drop out is over stocking of fish and over feeding them. Both of those things are the leading cause of water quality issues and unwanted algae issues.

A Dwarf Lion or better yet, a Frog Fish would be pretty awesome in that tank. For several years I had a tank set up with a Frog Fish/Angler with some live rock sand and macro algaes and it was one of the more interesting tanks I had...almost better than my sticks dominated tanks! If you go this route feed them a variety of food items.