Stomatella Snails Anyone???


New member
Well if everything goes right in my tank, I should have some Stomatella snails for the swap. It is breeding season in my tank! I have had sporatic breedings for a couple of years now. I have always had a few in there and they breed and die in cycles. The spawn may hit just right, well at least I am hoping. There is now about 50 or so and of various sizes. The largest ones are almost 1/2 inch. The previous spawnings/outbreaks(lol) have yielded in the 200-500 range. I think I may get lucky and have a bunch for either TFP Sale or the May 6th Reefnest swap. If anyone is interested please let me know.


They are great snails. Every night when I get up for work I see lots of them cruising around the tank. Never need to buy snails again!
Thanks Jon for the boost. I hope somebody else wants these too. They are great for the cleanup crew. They are the little rabbits of the ocean and a great creature to watch, and in addition to that they are probably one of the quickest snails out there. One minute here, gone and can't see them the next. Just so everyone knows, I am not picky about these and I am willing to trade them for just about anything.


I've got a question for anyone who can answer it. It may be a really dumb question - but hey - I'm a newbie, so I'm entitled to a few dumb questions!

How do you pick these snails up without having their "tails" fall off? (First time I picked one out of the refugium to put in the main tank, that happened, and I just about fell on my you know what.) I understand it is a protective reaction (their broken off "tail" section wiggles furiously for several minutes while the snail makes a getaway - hopefully tricking their predators in the process) - but I've also heard it's stressful to them to have this happen.

So - how do you pick them up?
Very, very, carfully. lol. There is a technique to it, but my brain won't let me tell you, in other words, I can not explain it. Can someone else chime in here! Thanks for all the interest,

I've had the best success when the snails are on the move. I can usually just place my finger or something in front of them and they climb right on. When they realize they are being "attacked" they suction themselves so tight to whatever they are on it's impossible to move them. Also if you have any rocks that you can take out of the water temporarily, they will start to move and you can usually very easily pick them off at that time as well.

Ah - thanks for the explanations! I started with one that I could see on the live rock - and now I've got maybe a dozen or so with more babies in the 'fuge. They're fast little movers!
Um if you have 12, look at 3 am, hehe, you will see hundreds, and don't forget it is spring and everything is starting to reproduce! It happens to me at least 2 or 3 times before summer is over. By that time they either die off or I get rid of some. They really go dormant for me most of the winter, I usually only see about 20 or so at night.



p.s. spoon, do you want me to bring these with the mushroom rock when we meet to see the Hub and trade?
ill trade sps for some? tri color pink and green poccilapora and blue encrusting monti oh and some green orange scroll
I'd love to get some but I'm not sure I've got anything you'd want to trade for. I am planning on going to TFP Saturday afternoon.
My acro's love the eggs! My females are always spewing. I turn off the skimmer and watch the free food float around.
