stopping caulerpa going sexual


New member
How can I stop my caulerpa prolifera going sexual..

The Mineral mud sump is lit 24/7 & I regularly crop it.

I see leaves with the yellow gametes on every week, I remove these immediatly, but within the next week I spy a few more, Its a riddle to me why its going sexual and that I cannot stop it..
Is there anything I should do that I'm overlooking..

pH=8.1 SG=1.023 NH4=0 NO2=0 NO3=0 PO4=0 Ca=400 KH=8.6
Lighting is ASL T5 38 twin
Flow thru sump about 1000 gph

mineral mud sump been running 10 weeks.

Any help or comment most welcome..

.. Tony
people say these ways will discourage asexual reproduction:

-24/7 lighting will help
-giving it plenty of room to grow
-addition of iron helps
-feeding the tank a little more will give it more nutrients to grow
-pruning in small quantities rather than grabbing a big handful and ripping it out.
-presence of other macros may help it grow (strange huh?)

i've never had a problem with mine in my refugium or my main tank. my fuge is lit 24hrs, but my main isn't. i add iron supplements and i feed heavily. i also have plenty of other macros and plants: gracilaria, codium, c. racemosa, c. prolifera, turtle grass, shoal grass, manatee grass, some other unidentified macros...