I have mushroom with a lavendar background and long blue/grey polyps which sometimes turn blue/green on a three inch rock. The tips of the outer polyps are white and they look like lights. It has a bright yellow mouth and is about 2 inches accross. It used to have babies around once a month and I had about 12 from the size of a dime up to a quarter. Most of the babies were removed off the rock and put elsewhere on sand or rock. All of a sudden the babies started melting away and over a 2 week period they were all gone except for two that were larger and were bleached white so I put them in a shaded area. But the mother looks ok except that it went off the rock. I have other mushrooms and they all seem ok. Any ideas? By the way it is a 10 gallon that is about 2 years old with a 65w pc. Besides some fish I also have two candy cane and two small zoanthid colonies.
I check for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and they are all zero even the nitrates (probably to to the chaeto). PH is around 8.4 and phosphates have gone down from sky high to the second lowest number on my test chart probably due to my using a phophate remover. I change one gallon a week and do not add anything other than food for the fish.
I check for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and they are all zero even the nitrates (probably to to the chaeto). PH is around 8.4 and phosphates have gone down from sky high to the second lowest number on my test chart probably due to my using a phophate remover. I change one gallon a week and do not add anything other than food for the fish.