stubborn Zoanthids


New member
I just bought a nice clump of zoanthid polyps a few days ago. They were doing fine for a few days until my skimmer starting shooting a lot of air bubbles out in the water. The zoanthids closed up and have not opened up since. It's been 3 days. Could the air that was coming from the skimmer have done any damage to the coral. There was only air bubbles in the tank for two minutes. What can i do to get these zoanthids to open up again.
Well, I don't know if theres some secret to jarreds madness.. So I won't say he's wrong. If they are stressed I would keep them out of high flow. It wasn't the 2 minutes of bubbles from your skimmer, trust me there.
Agreed. If you see the surge of water/air on the reefs, you wouldn't be overly concerned. Heck, some TOTM purposely inject bulk air/oxygen into the tank on a scheduled basis.