Sump Fabricator

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12536097#post12536097 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy
Ahmed at Ace Acrylics in Miami. Great work.
pm sent.

Actually he's in Hialeah and yes he does good work. But he mostly does general acrylic stuff where the PM sent to the original poster specifically works on sumps/skimmers/reactors.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12536170#post12536170 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by compulou
Actually he's in Hialeah and yes he does good work. But he mostly does general acrylic stuff where the PM sent to the original poster specifically works on sumps/skimmers/reactors.

just wondering, im pretty sure most of us know who you are talking about, why cant his information be posted here? if someone asks for a tank to be built or where to get NSW delivered all the information can be posted here and no one cares, its the same thing if we post the info or where to get a sump or reactor built if its all aquarium related...just my opinion
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12542230#post12542230 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fish2reef
Manny at MDS is your man

I agree, he built my sump and it came out fantastic... there is a thread in here somewhere with pictures of the sump and my plumbing..

-Mike C.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12539291#post12539291 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ahoyhoy239
just wondering, im pretty sure most of us know who you are talking about, why cant his information be posted here? if someone asks for a tank to be built or where to get NSW delivered all the information can be posted here and no one cares, its the same thing if we post the info or where to get a sump or reactor built if its all aquarium related...just my opinion

Duly noted, just trying to be politically correct.
Ahmed at Ace Acrylics has done set ups at some of the newer LFS. The display holding tanks and other things. If you give him a design that you want, he will make it exactly like that. Mike made a sump design that was given to Ahmed and to "the other" person. Ahmed made it exactly to Mikes specs and it was $75.00 cheaper! Hopefully soon, I will get photos up of the new sump and also of the frag tank that he made.
What type of acrylic does he use?
I know there are two types of acrylic mainly used, and from what I remember from the meeting with spazz the extruded type of acrylic is not the best choice as it does not last as long but it is cheaper....
So if Ahmed does not use extruded acrylic and still makes it cheaper, then thats a good deal!
I knew that Manny used cell cast but just called him to verify and he still does, I asked about extruded but he does not recommend it and refuses to do any work with it.
I can vouch for Manny's work since one of his first sumps is in my setup and its great. I even asked Manny to come by and reinforce it with a middle brace (just for piece of mind not that it really needed it) and he came by my home and did it for me no prob. Manny is a great guy and after he did the sump we've been friends since. I know Manny uses the best acrylic because we've talked about his materials several times and he would rather charge a bit more and use the good stuff. Im sure Manny will match any reasonable price so just give him a shout.

Tony, besides type of acrylic another thing to consider when shopping around is the thickness of the material, you might get by and take a risk with 1/4" or pay a little extra for 3/8" knowing you are safe.
Here's the sump Manny made me from Marine Design Systems, exactly how I wanted it. I couldn't of asked for a better sump, overall quality and performance is A+.

I came up with a middle bracket in the refuge to hard plumb the chiller, autotopoff, kalk and calcium reactor returns, came out perfect.

Some protective paper still on it till I am complete with getting everything hooked up, but you get the picture.




Manny's a very nice guy, he will be will work with you, and will only build something for you that he thinks you will need and is absolutely necessary. But of course if you want it 100% customized he will build it to your likings.

Goodluck with whatever it is you decide to do!
-Mike C.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12551266#post12551266 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REDDAWG43
What type of acrylic does he use?
I know there are two types of acrylic mainly used, and from what I remember from the meeting with spazz the extruded type of acrylic is not the best choice as it does not last as long but it is cheaper....
So if Ahmed does not use extruded acrylic and still makes it cheaper, then thats a good deal!

Mel your absolutely correct. Ahmed uses the cheap stuff.

I'm sure that's where the $75 savings came from. But are you sure you want to trust your tank/sump/expensive critters and your peace of mind for $75 bux?

I didn't think so...
Sorry, but I rather spend the extra $75 (if thats really the case) any day for the better acrylic, quality, so I can atleast sleep in peace or go out in peace knowing that my sump and 100+ gallons isn't leaking all over the floor, but thats just me.

-Mike C.
I thought extruded material was only used for acrylic tubes. I have never seen sheets of extruded material. There is imported acrylic as opposed to poly cast american made acrylic though. Usually imported material is a little thinner than U.S and can have more blemishes but it is cheaper. I used to work in an acrylic aquarium shop and I never saw extruded material used in fabricating sumps.
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