i have received my new Sunpower 8 x 80watt 60 inch fixture.
It is over a tank that is
5.5 ft x 28 inch deep x 20 inch high 160 gallon mixed reef.

What bulb combinations do you recommend and why from front to back?

I have put in what is on the website of ATI to attain 20K and I am not happy with what I am seeing...
The fixture only has 2 bulbs on one chord and 6 on the other....
When I put 2 blue plus on the 2 bulb chord I do not like the colur for dusk dawn.

I am thinking about chaning it to one blue plus and one purple plus

I had 2 true actinic and I found it a bit too dim..but not that I have taken those out I seem to miss them big time!

Just call me ONE CONFUSED reefer on what bulbs to use.

I want the corals to POP especially in the dusk dawn mode...(only 2 bulbs on) but I still want decent coral growth during the day.

Pls specify front to back bulb recommendation ...thanks for your help!
Opinions will vary but I want to hear recommend and specify why. Thanks kindly
See if this will be of any help.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I watched that video...but...still not sure what bulbs to use for dusk/dawn..I used two actinic...was too dim seemed... now I am using two blue plus and I find it too blahhhhh - I liked the two actinic better...I am thinking an actinic and a blue plus or actinic and purple plus... what you guys using for the 2 bulbs for dusk dawn????
I'm currently running a (2) 250w MH/T5 combo.

My current fixture only has (2) T5's and those are ATI True Actinic front and Blue Plus rear. The MH's are in the center.

I'm picking up a new fixture that again has (2) 250w MH's in the center, but (2)T5's on each side for a total of (4)T5's. Each set is on it's own ballast.
For a ramp up I plan on running one set for a bit, then the both sets before the MH come on. Viceversa at dusk.
My thought is front to back:
[BP & Actinic] [MH] [Actinic & BP] This way the Blue Plus with be farthest front & rear, with the Actinics closer to the middle where the majority of the corals are.

But in the end, it all comes down to your perception of colors and personal preference.
next bulb combo trying

next bulb combo trying

Here is what I am going to try today from front to back as follows

Blue PLus
Coral PLus
Purple Plus
True Actinic
Blue Plus
True Actinic
Coral Plus
Blue Plus
