Superman Montipora Care


New member
Hi guys,

Just saw a beautiful superman monti on some website. It's purple/pinkish w/ purple polyps. 1.5"x 1.5" for $150.

i'm very tempted to buy it. I have two regular montipora capricornus in my tank, and both are doing great. Lots of growth and expansion.

I have had better luck w/ larger size corals, so I don't know exactly if the care for this smaller superman monti will be the same as for my large ones in the tank. Do they require extra care than other simpler montis? What kind of flow/light do they prefer?

Mine doesnt need anything special. It went nuts under my t-5's. Keep good water flow and stability in the water peramiters and it will be happy. Depending on your lighting I would acclimate but other than that mine just keeps on encrusting whatever I put i front of it! I think its my favorite coral!