Surface skum


New member
My 50g CAD cube is getting surface skum often now. I am considering adding another power head directed at the surface to break it up. I currently have a MP 10 but can't direct the flow up word. Is there any power head that I can direct the flow upward that WILL NOT have wires in the tank? I like the clean look of no wires.
I just have all four of my locline returns pointing upwards and towards the overflows to break up the water, and increase the efficiency of my nutrient export. That might be an easier fix if its an option ;)
I don't think anything exists that is aimable that doesn't have wires inside the tank. Almost defies physics. Aim your return up towards the surface or put a supplier on the return and have one disrupting the surface tension. If your overflow is working properly it should break up the surface well enough to keep the scum off. The other option would be to have a fan pointed at the surface which should keep the scum off and lower the tank temp just a little
May want to take a look at your water turn over rate. If your not pulling enough water though the over flow, may not be a high enough rate. Just my thought.
Both returns are pointed close to the surface. I am maxed out on my water turn over rate, my overflow only has (1) 3/4" drain which is really a draw back with this CAD lights tank and most stock tanks I see. At one point I had my MP 10 making a nice wave which broke up the scum but the coral didn't like that much flow so I had to back it down.

I may end up getting a tunze nano stream or something similar...
Both returns are pointed close to the surface. I am maxed out on my water turn over rate, my overflow only has (1) 3/4" drain which is really a draw back with this CAD lights tank and most stock tanks I see. At one point I had my MP 10 making a nice wave which broke up the scum but the coral didn't like that much flow so I had to back it down.

I may end up getting a tunze nano stream or something similar...

Personally I have all Tunzes and I love them.
I have had tunze's in the past and know its a good pump. I was just trying to avoid wires to keep the clean look.
on my 180 i have a tunze in the top inside corner of my overflows, no wires are visible and the power head blends in with the overflow.
I moved my mp 10 higher, adjusted the flow, and moved some corals around. We'll see if they do OK with the new set up and go from there. If I have to add another PH I'll think I'll try what you suggested sonic boom, thanks
Hope all works out. Usually tied to turn over in my experience and breaking surface tension of the top (like all the suggestions). get a 3/4 to 1 inch wave and (don't take personal) but get over the wires in the tank. A beautiful display of corals and fish will quickly wash out anything else in the tank.