SW FOWLR 150 gallon stocking plans


New member
I recently got a 150 gallon tank that Im planning to be FOWLR SW. I've never had a tank this big before so I'm looking for suggestions for stocking.
I know I can't have all these fish, but here are some I like:
-clown grouper
-picasso trigger
-dogface puffer
-harlequin tusk wrasse

I also currently have a younger Mombosa Lionfish that I could move to the 150 when its set up.

The tank is not drilled, so I was planning on doing a fluval FX6, maybe some sort of HOB protein skimmer if you think that would be good.

I don’t really have experience with canister filters for SW, but a lot of people like them. I think a HO skimmer would be a good idea.

As far as stocking, seems you like larger, somewhat aggressive fish. That’s not my forte as I’m more into corals and inverts. @HumbleFish and @Dr. Reef are both very knowledgeable about all kinds of fish
I don’t really have experience with canister filters for SW, but a lot of people like them. I think a HO skimmer would be a good idea.

As far as stocking, seems you like larger, somewhat aggressive fish. That’s not my forte as I’m more into corals and inverts. @HumbleFish and @Dr. Reef are both very knowledgeable about all kinds of fish
Thank you!
The only issue I’m seeing in your list is the trigger, in my experience can be overly aggressive (though may be fine in that size)

Otherwise that size tank you could also do various tangs and large angels, perhaps even a couple butterflies
i kind of figured about the trigger. I couldnt imagine I'd be able to do all 5 (lion, dogface, foxface, grouper, harlequin tusk), or would I? Im not familiar with the bioload of these fish.
While some are on the larger size, more aggressive fish tend to be messier eaters so that one thing to keep in mind. Bio load wise, just as fish, I wouldn’t be too concerned until they get significant larger provided sufficient filtration is used (filter socks, skimmer, perhaps UV, etc)