Swollen Zoanthids


New member
Hi All!

My Zoanthids are looking a little strange for the past several days. One of the polyps have always been "swollen" looking and I've had this colony for a good month with no problems.. But now I'm noticing that it is more swollen with what looks like a black speck but from the side you can see its a clear bubble and now it is looking like other little bumps are forming. I am hoping not zoapox!! I wouldn't know for sure if that's what it is because all of the polyps are still fully open. Does anyone have any insight on what this might be? My water parameters are as follows:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrates - 0
Nitrates - 0
pH - 8.2
Calcium - 420
Salinity - 1.025
Temp - ranging between 75 and 77

If anyone has any ideas on what this might be... I would appreciate your insight!



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i didn't catch your alk and mag readings? zoas seem to really change when my alk does so i consider that the most important test in my system.
otherwise i have no idea why zoas would swell but maybe someone here does.
I tested everything but those. I usually take a water sample to my LFS and have them test but they have never mentioned alk and magnesium. I may need to pick these tests up so I can test them myself. I usually just test calcium, ammonia, pH, nitrates, nitrites.. The usual and then take a sample to the LFS to ensure they are the same. Since you mention those are the most important.. I'll be picking these up this weekend!
I tested everything but those. I usually take a water sample to my LFS and have them test but they have never mentioned alk and magnesium. I may need to pick these tests up so I can test them myself. I usually just test calcium, ammonia, pH, nitrates, nitrites.. The usual and then take a sample to the LFS to ensure they are the same. Since you mention those are the most important.. I'll be picking these up this weekend!
to me alk is the most important test for my system as it can change very quickly and a low level will absolutely cause trouble for your corals.
some tanks can use alk up to 3x faster than calcium it just depends on the demands of the corals.
the most important general rule is that calcium, alkalinity and magnesium all have to be present in the right amounts in order to get the best results.
I had the same thing happen a few weeks ago. The open part of the polyp just got smaller and smaller while the base remained the same. Eventually it closed for a few days and opened up as a perfectly normal polyp. I think mine had cyano grow around it so that could be the key.

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Thanks Johnnyhildo! I will be getting those tests! Also I had though this was a type of sponge but when I look at it from the side it looks like a clear bubble. Very strange. I'm thinking I might take it out and try to cut the one polyp off. I noticed pods eating on it. Maybe it's dying!? But it doesn't look like anything is wrong, as I would think it would close up.
Thanks strange you mention that donut0079... I happened to notice this weekend that I have a small patch of red algae growing in the back of my tank on my sand bed. Maybe this is the problem? Where would this algae have come from? I use only RO/DI water and my phosphates are always zero. I definitely try not to over feed by feeding every other day. I will make sure to keep an eye on it. If worse comes to worse I will try to cut that polyp out and see what happens!
Thanks everyone!