SYBON Refractometer/ Frozen Fish food-Need a couple NEW Lowes/HD 5 gal


New member
As many of you know I have torn down all my tanks and am taking a break from saltwater for awhile. I ended up converting my 125 to a cichlid tank & Cleaned up the garage and deep freezer and have leftovers. Would give them away but could really use some buckets ( LOL ):spin1:

The refractometer is in good shape. Needs a gleaning and to be calibrated
Has case , box, everything but calibration fluid.

Frozen Food:
LRS Frozen Big pack
ROD's Food small pack
Mega Marine Algae
Mega Marine angel

Would love a couple new (please) Lowes or Home Depot 5 gal buckets for trade.

shoot me a text:wavehand:


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dude - I'm always giving my ESV buckets back to FAOIS - your welcome to them if you want them. I have three at the moment.