t/r diadogorgia nodulifera


New member
Hi all, after keeping this coral for nearly a year now I am happy to report that it is not just surviving but has grown a new 1" arm from the base downwards as well as some additional branches from the upper part. I would caution anybody who wants to work with this species that this growth took lots of feeding, lots of flow and lots of water changing-to handle the lots of feeding!-Jim
Hey bookfish,

Very cool! Could you post any pictures of it? What all are you feeding it?



Thanks, I'm going to bite the bullet this weekend and get a camera so I should be able to post some next week.
I was unemployed during the first half of this year so I was feeding Reeds Clam and Coral diet in the morning, live rotifers at lunch-1 gallon heavy conc. into a 55g tank- and Reeds again at night just before lights out-Jim