T5 Pics for Frank!!!


Premium Member
I went and saw Franks tank tonight and we discussed the addition of some T5s to his lighting. I wanted to post some of the zoos that we both have to convince him T5s are the way to go.

Pics are a little grainy, but you get the idea!

Zoos under T5s




And a bonus pic of some of my favorite zoos!

I will order some as soon as the wallet permits.

-or I can find someone to trade my hamilton 175w halide.
I have two tanks one has T5s and the other PCs. Every once in a while I'll move something from the PC tank to the T5 and I'm amazed at the colors you see under the T5s.

Frank's tank is already beautiful. I can't wait to see the colors with the addition of T5s.

My favorite part of his tank is the fish on the cabinet doors.
I think thats Lindsays favorite part also.

honestly, I will be ordering some soon. stuff that entire canopy with lights :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8336373#post8336373 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
...stuff that entire canopy with lights :)

I like the way you think!

10lbs of cookie dough in a 5 lb jar!

LOL!!! If you get a chance to look at Dana's hood, you'll see he lives by that philosophy. His hood is so full the fans had to stick out of the sides, no room inside, wall-to-wall lights. Stuff starts melting if he has them on all day!
im going to order 20k bulbs for the halides...and then I will order some acitics for a before and after halides effect.

The tank should be really 'blue' then...i figure 95% of my tank is softies...the blue should do them well..
Frank, Don't ditch the halides. Instead suppliment them with T-5's. I am thinking that might be the way to go witht he 75.
yeah, you mis-read my post. :lol:

-im going to order some 20k halide bulbs (which I need to do very soon anyway) and then once I can order some more things, order the acitics.

have the acitics come on around 8-830, go off around 11, halides come on, halides go off around 7:30-8 and then the acitics kick back on until around 9-930...