Taking A Break from the Hobby. Thanks all. (tanks for sale) (pics)


New member
Hey everyonel

So for several reasons (most of them good), I'm taking a break from the hobby. A lot of it is that my wife and I are trying to buy a place and need every.single.penny we can scrounge up. (This was my idea, not hers; she's very supportive of the hobby).

So basically, I'm dropping the hobby, which means I have some tanks for sale, if anyone's looking. I've posted on CL, and any BAR member gets 10% off tanks 1-3, and 50% off tank 4. Check it out. Try searching "Walnut Creek" and "Going out of Hobby: FOUR Reef Systems Available!!! (PICS!)" You'll find it.

I'll post the text below (hopefully pics too), but first wanted to say some important stuff.

Thanks for everyone being so supportive and generous. You truly changed my perspective on a lot of things, especially reef tank keeping. You guys are allright.

Thanks to BenR for being my go-to CL buddy, and to Dyngoe for the electrical help. To Tuberider for being cool and for having quotes that make me want to go watch some redneck tv show. Levi for being really encouraging. Everybody, really. You guys are all right.

But I'll be back. Once things settle down... hmm, could be a while. :)


oh yeah, for responses:

(Here's the text details, and a FEW pics, more pics on my CL post)

For a couple reasons, it's time to take a break from the salt water reef tank hobby. So what I'm doing is putting four various reef tank systems up for sale, priced reasonably to sell rather quickly. Once you look at what's for sale, you'll realize pretty quickly what it's worth.

For all of these please have the ability to move the tank yourself (you and at least one friend, buckets, vehicle, etc.), and cash for the deal. I'll be happy to answer any questions, but first come first served, so don't wait too long. Also, any deal will be official before we move anything; if you drop it and break it, its already yours, you know? Also everything is officially "as is" because I don't know what you'll do when you leave my apartment, but feel free to check it out before you buy it.

All that said, here's the basics on the four systems, with a better description and pictures to follow:

System 1: 55g Acrylic tank. CPR Remote (HOB capable) refugium. Fluval 204 Cnaister filter. Penguin Bio-Wheel 350. 192w PC lights. Odyssea PS75 Protein Skimmer. Cabinet/stand.
Livestock: about 60#LR, 40#LS, clownfish, 2 damsels, a peppermint shrimp, snails, crabs, etc.
Corals: a few random Zoas here and there (very few), but a small forest of pulsing xenia.
Comes with an assortment of chemicals, salt, testers, etc.
Asking $250 for all of this, pretty firm.

System 2: Odyssea 9g tank. Rounded edges. Self-contained mechanical filtration and light. A very nice, inexpensive tank for an office or counter, capable of growing corals.
Livestock: 10#LR, 8#LS.
I may keep this in my office, but I'd probably let it go for $80. Pretty cool little tank. See pics.

System 3: Frag Tank. It's about 18" x 1', so very small footprint. And it's shallow. Perfect for growing out frags. On the side is a fuge and skimmer chamber; tank pumps water in for filtration, gravity fed back into the tank. Really, a very cute and unique setup. It has an AquaC Urchin Pro (I think) skimmer. Chaeto and pods in the fuge. I'm probably going to give away the corals, but if you're nice I'll probably save some for you.
This is a steal at $150 for this, especially because of the really nice skimmer, but I'm going to see if the guy who "sold" it to me wants it back first. So don't wait to make an offer.

System 4: is my "Main Tank." It's about a 50g glass tank with a 20g glass sump. It has a screen netting to prevent jumping. It has a coralife adjustable skimmer on it. The sump has two chambers, one for the skimmer and return, one for the fuge. 192w PC lighting. Rio return pump (I think).
It has about 60# LR and 30# LS.
LOTS of livestock: 5 clowns, blue hippo tang, pixy hawkfish, beautiful mandarin goby, a fireshrimp, snails, crabs, spaghetti worms, etc.
Corals: some Zoas, red on red chalices, torch coral, frogspawn. Think that's it.
Pricing: Here's the deal, this tank is a "pay it forward" type deal. By taking this tank from me, you are agreeing to pass it on to someone for little-to-no cost. It's a way of spreading the love. If you DO charge them, you are only allowed to charge a small percentage of your improvement costs. Since I added a sump, skimmer, return, continuous siphon, etc., I'm asking a $100 donation fee, which will be reduced to $50 if you are a member of BAR (Bay Area Reefers).

Below are pics of the various systems:








Tank 1 pending to MARS member's high school's marine biology class.

Tank 4 pending to "isaac"

Tank 3 going to Matt (Dyngoe)

Tank 2 still available!