Taking a Tile Saw to a $129 Stony Coral???

Zooqi.....I never heard back from you. We have 3 tickets left if you want them. Please order them from the site to reserve them!

We're up to 130 people, it's going to be a GREAT event!
If anyone wants a fresh cut frag of my green sinularia I can bring a few pieces of that along as well. Willing to trade for most anything. Even if you don't have anything to trade I'll bring a piece if you want one.

hi jon.

i would love some of the red zoo's too if you have any left. Huey said they are really great. i have stuff i could trade ,,, purple pincushion urchin, some large polyps that are brown with army green center.
let me know.. thanks
Don't worry about any trades or money. I'll bring you guys the frags in exchange for future considerations. Moving in 2 weeks and I'll hopefully have my 90 back up soon. Then I'll hit you guys up for frags.

The green leather frags won't be mounted but I will mount the zoas.
