Tandem 8g aqueon evolve, and 33long build.


New member
I haven't bought anything quite yet but I've settled on my new builds and am going to post this thread to declare my intentions and be able to note my steps.

I currently have a 20 gallon high with a 10 gallon sump/refugium. The sump design i came up with was bad and has caused me misery so I'm scrapping it. The 20 gallon high will be re-purposed as a display marine plant/refugium. I'm going to get a 33 gallon long, which is about the limits of the nano boundary. I'll be making a 15 gallon into a sump for the system and chucking the flawed 10 gallon sump.

I am currently located in a basement that is half finished. I am going to locate the aquariums on the unfinished side of the basement so messes are less of a big thing, and cut out holes in the wall and frame them in decorative wood trim.

I am planning to use a neptune apex. DIY auto top-off controlled via a breakout box on the neptune. I intend to stick with rapidled for my lighting, and basically double what i currently have, but upgrade to dimmable drivers to be controlled by the apex. I'm currently looking into having the apex use two of it's 0-10v outputs control circulation powerheads for wave making, feeding modes and power outage modes. I think i'm going to run skimmerless but will be designing the sump with a space for a skimmer that will just remain empty until i see a need for improving my water quality beyond what a filter sock, chemipure and purigen can do. I'll be installing a reactor for gfo and running as needed. I think i'm going to go with two glass-holes nano overflow con dientes, rated at 300gph each, 1 on each end of the display. Mag 7 return, split going to the refugium and display with valves for balancing the flow between the two(and maybe to run reactors off of as well.) I am going to run two hob refugiums with chaeto and LR rubble jammed in them, for consistent copepod production.

Planned stocking list for the display:
The ocellaris clown pair i currently have
ORA frozen food fed mandarin dragonet.
regular or purple firefish
tiger watchman goby
1 pom pom crab
3 sexy anenome shrimp
3 peppermint shrimp
2 trochus, 2 astrea, 3 or 4 bumblebee snail, and nassarius snails if needed(the tiger watchman should sift the sand adequately on his own.

Planned stocking list for the display refugium:
The coral banded shrimp i currently have will be relocated here.
1 trochus, 1 astrea, 2 or 3 bumblebee snails
Mermaid's fan
shaving brush
purple leaf kelp
grape kelp
red bush algae

The aqueon evolve 8 will sit next to my desk. No definitive plans quite yet other than lighting will be a par38 full spectrum bulb with an inline lightbulb dimming socket. Corals and inverts, maybe 1 little clown goby.
Well this was unexpected. My first step was going to be building the stands for both setups, however I was out at pet shops hovering around looking at stuff, and I went in pet smart just because i felt like it, and what do you know. Clearance on evolve4 and evolve8! Much to my dismay i opened the box for the last remaining evolve8 and found the tank totally busted, huge chunk knocked out and a crack down one side. I spoke to the manager for a bit and he checked their computer which showed 3 other stores in the area had some left in stock. I called up the closest store and they confirmed they not only had several of them, but one was marked down to half off. Before wasting my time i had them look in the box to verify it was not cracked or shattered, which it wasn't. So I took the 15 minute drive and when I grabbed the half off one, it said clearly on the front, "no pump." Great! I didn't want that dinky noisy pump anyway. I will be putting in an eheim compact 600 or 1000. I get to the register and they ring me up, $27 :eek2:



I'm hoping to start building the stand into the wall for the 33 long this weekend, will post pics of progress.
I'm always interested in following threads involving display refugiums. When I build my dream setup, it will definitely have a display fuge.

Just to confirm, the aqueon 8 is going to be completely separate from the 33l/20/15 setup?
I'm always interested in following threads involving display refugiums. When I build my dream setup, it will definitely have a display fuge.

Just to confirm, the aqueon 8 is going to be completely separate from the 33l/20/15 setup?

According to current plans that is correct. I want the 8g on a custom build cabinet next to my desk.
for sure gonna follow this. I've been eyeing up an evolve 8 to build a nano for a bit now and might make the jump.

having that chamber in the back is a nice added option.
I got my Evolve 8 at $64, and now they've reduced the last one to $55. The impatient part of me wants to spring, but the common sense side of me says to wait and see if they drop it below $50...oh, decisions.