Tang died and Wrasse missing


Premium Member
So on Saturday I noticed that my tang was upside down, knocking on heavens door. I also noticed that my flasher wrasse is MIA. I have a false perc, blue chromis, and mandarin, that are all fine. My corals are looking fine, my xenia is pulsing very nicely, the toadstool is nice and extended, the zoos are open, and the SPS polyps have maintained nice extension etc.

I did not see any sign of ICH on the fish prior to dying/disappearing, and do not see any signs of it on the chromis or clown fish. The mandarin is fine too, but I do not think these are susceptible to ich.

Since all the corals look very good, I cannot imagine the water params are off by that much, but I will be running tests tonight. I did not want to do them yesterday since I did some major cleaning, added new carbon/phosban etc.

A couple other things to note: I top off with filtered water, but not RO/DI, and on Thursday Evening my sump water return area ran a little low so there were some bubbles injected into the water, but caught it in time before the pump was dry.

Any suggestions would be great.
Here are my water stats:
Total Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ph 8.1
Alk (meg/l) 3
Salinity 1.023
Calcium (ppm) 460
Temperature 78
Magnesium NT
Phosphate meg/l <.25

Anyone have any ideas?
i'd check the floor or your overflow box for the wrasse, i got two new ones last week. one ended up on the floor and the ther has already jumped in overflow four times.
I had the same problem with fish jumping in the overflow.....ended up making a cover for the top
i think i am going to just cut up a net and use netting. i tried eggcrate but he slips right through the holes.
Greg, I did not notice if he was eating or not. I remember one day thinking it was odd that he did not go after the food as much as normal, but the following he seemed to be normal, or at least I did not notice anything abnormal.

Everyone else,
As for the wrasse, I would agree normally and did check my overflow and surrounding area. He did jump once, but that is when I was scraping some glass. Other than that I noticed that my clown has become pretty aggressive the past couple days, but did not notice this before the fish went MIA. The only thing that makes me question this is the coincidence of the wrasse and the tang.
I have had him since around december. He was rescued from a tank that was in really bad shape.

Yes, why do you ask?