Tang Poops on Fairy!


New member
I have a lovely little fairy toadstool leather that has has a rough life. I've had it in my tank for over 6 months now and haven't yet found a spot it likes. I had it in the back before on my rock pile and it kept falling (it's on a plug) into the back of the tank. Eventually I got tired of putting it back on the rocks so I left it back there. It grew long and spindly there reaching up for light or flow or whatever, so I finally felt bad for it and put it right up front in my tank when I switched and installed the Eco System. Now it's right in view and looking better and I get my little mimic tang. What does he do? Well, he decides that that is the corner he would like to poop in, so he comes over and poops right on the toadstool! I thought it was some freakish incident and couldn't imagine a fish going to one corner to poop like a hamster. Well, I looked below the toadstool and saw more of the same poop all around it...and I've now seen him do it a few times and I have to dust the toadstool off with my turkey baster cause it doesn't seem to enjoy the treatment. Looks like a water change and some rearranging is in the plans for tomorrow. Maybe I'll put a litterbox in that corner!

Bizarre fish...anyone else's fish have a favorite place to do his business? Or am I the only one???!!!
lol that's great Kat. My only poop story is that when I feed the tank, my sailfin (who is MUCH larger than the rest of the fish, and has appropriately larger poop as well) likes to defacate to keep the other fish away. So feeding time comes, food goes in the water, and he takes a big dump to keep everyone else away. Sometimes the other fish peck at it and then immediately spit it out. Fish are icky.
Chris...I know there's another name for them, but I can't think of it right now. It's the kind of pinkish/beigeish/whiteish toadstool with the long extended polyps. They're beautiful when they're happy, but mines a little pitiful with all that's been happening to it...don't think it would even be recognizable in a photo. I'm looking on the web for one...

I think these are fairies:


Wow, these tangs are funny creatures...I've never had one for long, so should be interesting to see more of these odd behaviors! So I guess so far no one else's goes in a corner like mine does! It still baffles me!