Tang Question

johnny deluxe

New member
Question for the group I have a 150 gallon in it I have a Hippo, Sailfin and Purple Tang all about 3 inches..Do you think a Naso would do OK or would it have a problem with the Hippo due to the body shape

Thanks Again

It probably wouldn't be a problem with the other tangs but it's pushing it space wise to keep all 4 together, specially in the long run as the except for the Purple the other are going to get large.

Also do you have a lot of rock in your tank or does your tank have more open space?
i thin k personality wise they should do fine, nasos are really laid back when it comes to tangs. unfortunately the get really large. as long as you are not opposed to a tank that has a foot print of at least 8ft x 2.5ft in your future down the line have fun
Is that sirens I hear? *sniff* the scent of the tang police....j/k

For some odd reason tangs seem to do well in odd numbers. 1 = no prob, 2 = fighting, 3 = possible fighting but the rock/paper/scissors effect keeps a semblance of balance, etc.

Odds are you will have some amount of aggression, depends whether they get really nasty and start gashing each other up or just being ****y.