
Yes, you can have 3 tangs in a 90.

Most people would freak saying it's mean It all depends on which ones. I would not put a Purple and a yellow together...mainly becasue thay are of the same genus.

Typically, if the body shape is the same, they will fight. Also, be sure to addd all 3 at the same time...less stress...less fighting at least in my experience.

I would keep only one tang in a 90 and that depends on what kind. You're opening up a can of worms with this one :)
I have a yellow, hippo, and a sailfin in a 120. I wouldnt do 3 in a 90. I dont even want 3 in a 120. In mine the sailfin dont like the hippo (which was added last around 5 months ago). The yellow gets along with both of them fine. They are ok but some times they push each other around.
Ohh and they grow really fast. The hippo has double its size since he was brought in from a 55g tank. And he was to big for that tank. So even if they are small now it dont take long for them to grow.