Tank being overrun

Fire Dude

New member
Howdy all,

My tank is being slowly taken over by a red bubble-like algae that looks something like sea grapes (Botryocladia) but this looks a little different than the pics I see on the net. Can anyone identify this? Any ideas how to control it. If I take rocks out and scrub they are quickly covered with a lubricant-like slime which takes some doing to get off once the bubbles have burst.

The pictures are huge, I won't put them up here. TIA.

Algae 1

Algae 2
interesting look to it... I have a 'teardrop' red grape and a more 'normal' red grape and I have had no luck with keeping significant growth...

Yours does not look like the same plant, but may be, just a strange growth pattern.

Instead of scrubbing immediately and spreading the slime (which has been said to be spores - which would just amplify your problems), take a few ectra moments to gently pry off the bubbles and then scrub the bases or any remaining slime off. Dunk the rock and swish it around in a bucket of tank water and then replace in the tank.

Hope that helps,