Tank blowing bubbles???


New member
I came home from my turkey dinner and noticed my return water flow was blowing white bubbles like the sump's water level was low. I checked the water level and it was fine. When I left it was not doing this but now it is. It is doing it bad enough that my water looks cloudy. What can I do to stop the bubbles and what could have caused this? I want to correct it because I am going out of town for a week beginning this Sunday. Please let me know.
It appears that it is coming from my protein skimmer in my sump. I just cleaned it and it did not stop the air bubbles. What can I do now? Is my skimmer going out?
nah. just lower the water level. it's no big deal. mine does it when i let too much air into it.i just adjust the little valve on the air inlet.
do you not have a little adjustment valva on the airline tubing? if not you can get one cheap. i'm not sure if asm comes with them. my euroreef did.
Turn the skimmer off and see if the bubbles in the aquarium go away. If they do, the skimmer is the cause. If the bubbles persist, the skimmer was not the problem. Turn one thing off at a time until you find the source of the bubble problem.
actually i was wrong. my skimmer blows bubbles into the tank when it doesn't get enough air. that's when i clean out the venturi and air hose. try that. just run them under some hot water.