Tank Parameters for Softies


New member
I love the softie tank, full of color, full of coral. It seems like this type of tank has a common setup with common stock. Whenever I see a lot of ricordea, I also see a lot of zoanthids along with some rare Corallimorpharians of other types.

I know the tank I have setup has a lot of all of these, and they all grow right into each other and never seem to bother one another. I have some great pink with blue center ricordea and right in the middle of a good batch of them I have some zoanthids that are reaching out for the light. They are the best of neighbors never hurting one another, just growing and growing.

What makes these tanks work so well for you? What do you add to your water, feed your coral, or what fish do you have that seem to help out?

I have gone to a bit of a new setup and would like to fill the tank with all the softies I can get a hold of. I am now putting everything into a 33 long that measures 48 long x 12 tall x 12 wide. No more SPSs, frogspawns, or leathers, but I am going to have a few clams.

The light is Coralife 48 Inch Aqualight Pro, 2x150W HQI MH Lamp + 2x96W PC + 3x1W Lunar LED. With only 12 inches of tank depth, I think this light will cover all my needs, I am honestly worried it will be too much light for some yumas. What do you think?

The skimmer is a AquaC Remora Hang-On Protein Skimmer w/ Drain Fitting + Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump hanging on the side. The tank has to be on the edge of a something so that this skimmer has room to hang and it does for me. Great skimmer for this size tank I think.

On the back I have a CPR AquaFuge Hang-on Refugium that is packed full of chaeto and no other filter. Do you think this is too little filtration? I always felt this type of tank likes a little bit of “dirty” water so I took off the sump I had.

Water change of about 5 gallons a week with Tropic Marin Pro-Reef salt, and I toss in some Tropic Marine magnesium a few times a week.

This setup is working pretty good for me so far, I did have one yuma get upset and let loss of its rock when I first put this light on there, and it seems much happier in a not so bright place. A pair of cleaner shrimp and a pair of peppermint shrimp find places to hide out most the day and all my clams are out and very happy, I even have a squamosa there taking in all that light, so I think 150 watt MH is a pretty good way to go on a softies tank.

Guess I should show some pictures, I will get them in the next post.

The reason I tossed this thread in here is because I think that some of the shrooms we all love are the most sensitive in such a tank, and if anyones input is most important, its the ones here that keep such shrooms, and its your tank setup that matters the most. Zoanthids can live in a shoe with water they are so tough it seems. I threat them like my redheaded brother at times when we were growing up, and they just done die. So lets hear your setup!
Here are a few of mine







