tank stock limitations


New member
I have a 36x16x12 tank and I am wondering if it would be okay to house an anemone, clam, and an open brain coral. I know I am limited on fish stocking as well and I would like your guys' opinions on good fish to put in my tank. I want fish that will work, not just look pretty.
That is fine for the clam and anemone and coral. Fish- damsels, firefish, watchman goby and pistol shrimp pair, blenny, jawfish, and maybe a dwarf angelfish. Like anything in the list?
For sure, I already have a blue spotted watchman, and a damsel. I also have a mated pair of naked clowns. I would like to pick up a firefish, jawfish and I would like a wrasse to keep my worm level in check, what would be the best/most appropriate wrasse for my tank?
Make sure the tank is covered, firefish like to jump, although mine never did. I know that six line's stay small. If you have a bristle problem I would suggest an arrow crab.
I dont currently have an issue with bristle worms, but I dont ever want one either. The tank is covered, and will remain that way. I do like the six lines, and my brother is trying to talk me into a yellow corris wrasse, he said that they are more aggressive predators when it comes to worms.
I dont currently have an issue with bristle worms, but I dont ever want one either. The tank is covered, and will remain that way. I do like the six lines, and my brother is trying to talk me into a yellow corris wrasse, he said that they are more aggressive predators when it comes to worms.

Wrasses are jumpers too. The arrow crab is definitely something to think about. They help with detritus and hunt worms.

The yellow coris wrasses are known to eat feather dusters....in case you have any.
ive got an abundance of feather dusters, to the point they are starting to aggravate me. So the yellow may just be my new best friend. Thanks for the heads up. How big will the arrow crab get? and how reef safe are they?
They are reef safe in that they aren't going to eat any of your corals, but may walk on a poylp from time to time. Several inches, I don't know if you have seen one, but they look like spiders.
I cannot recommend enough, with nice rock work that suits the fish like overhangs, a yellow
assessor. What a beautiful peaceful fish that has very endearing habits like swimming upside
down under a ledge. A pretty yellowish mustard color on the low end or a bright yellow if
you are lucky. I recommend tank raised but if you can find a wild one you will probably get
a better yellow color from what I read. They are pricey but worth it in my mind.

Perhaps a blue assessor if you do not care for yellow?

My yellow assessor is quite content in a smaller tank and tends not to be a really
active swimmer zipping around like a tang would be.
Ive only got three fish currently, my blue spotted watchman, a two striped damselfish, and my now lonely female naked clown. I would like to stick to nano fish, and as far as the anemone goes, I doubt I'll have one anymore. Im also running a 25 gallon refugium, with cell pore media, cheato, filter sponge, and a redsea Prism PS. Ive got about 40 lbs of live rock in the display with a few more chunks in the sump.
FWIW, as for your bristle worm talk up there, I honestly believe they do more good than bad. I wouldn't try to buy anything to target them. Many of your regular fish and shrimp will hunt them regardless. That's exactly why they are always hiding. Just research your proposed inhabitants' stats, and once you see they are capable of your tanks living conditions, buy what you will enjoy :)
Any pics of a really packed tank that is doing good?

This is an old picture about 4 months old now of my 55 gallon dispaly. Some how I have managed to even add more corals to the tank. The tank now has two more clams in it and a few sps frags. The tank has also had new bulbs added to the fixture which has really colored everything up.

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