TBRC meeting 12th Sept @ 6pm

Mrs Postal

New member
Our Sept TBRC meeting will be at Mike Janes home(janes_mw here on RC). We'll be starting at 6pm so please come by and say hello to your fellow reef enthusiasts! Remember that you do not need to be a member to attend our meetings. All are welcome!

As always the club will provide sodas & water and we ask that you just bring something to share with everyone to eat.

Address is: 11145 Tradewinds Blvd, Largo 33773.

Thanks and we hope to see you there!
See you all there next month! I will post something about parking as the date gets closer. Tank doing pretty good, will be 7 months running on meeting night.
How long do these meetings normally last? I work till 7 in Clearwater and i'm not sure I will be able to make it in time. thanks
Parking along the street in front of my house and down the adjacent side street. Don't much care if you park on both sides. It will slow the fools down that think they can go 50 in the "hood" :). See ya Saturday.
I have two daughters, 9 and 8, and would like to attend, but want to make sure that it would be ok if I brought them. Their mother and I are split and I get them every weekend. I would of course bring them with their handy dandy iPads lol. If it's more of an adult get together I completely understand. Thanks.

I have two daughters, 9 and 8, and would like to attend, but want to make sure that it would be ok if I brought them. Their mother and I are split and I get them every weekend. I would of course bring them with their handy dandy iPads lol. If it's more of an adult get together I completely understand. Thanks.


It certainly is ok with me.