Tell me what you think


New member
I think I am getting the hang of it although the colors are still hard to get right without a flash everything comes out blue




It looks like you need to adjust your white balance or shoot in RAW and adjust it there. Are these with just actinics on? Which camera are you using?
yes this is with just Actinics on i will try with the HQIs on when i get off work the camera i am using is an 8 megapixel nikon coolpix 8700. Tell me if you have any hints on capuring color.

I just used a close up lens i have not figured out how to crop them or do any work on them yet

I have some more pics from last night i will try and get them up to day
It looks like you've got a really good handle on playing with your DOF - it really makes for dramatic, powerful pictures. Keep it up! Also, do what you can to shorten your shutter speed and you'll get a much crisper shot of the frogspawn.
Yeah, that's looking better! The first two are awesome. The subject in the fourth shot is a bit overexposed, though.

Looks like you have a pretty cool tank, by the way.
I plan on taking some shots today under the metal halide to try and get some truer colors

This is a hole new obsession for me now. I'll fget some more pics for tomorrow