Ok guy's before i get to the problem, here are the guts of what I have running. 29 gal biocube, 2-nano korla's for flow, 2-36 watt power compact's one actinic,1- 10,000K, 11/2" Live sand and roughly 40 lbs Live rock Fiji cultured. Corals are 1 large rock with Zoo's all over 1 galaxia and a couple of green mushrooms. Fish One Coral beauty and one pigmy angel ( they get along great). I turn on the Actinic first for about an hour then turn on 10K 8-9 hours then Actinic for another hour alone then off. while lights are on I leave both lids open for circulation temp gets about 79. when i go to bed and lights are out with lid's shut the temp climbs to 80-81 in the morning. If I leave the lid up temp gets down to 76. I keep my A/c on all the time and keep it cold 70 night-75 day. My theory is the Live rock is acting as a heat sink absorbing the heat from the lights and then with the lids closed temp rises. Options are figure out away to stabalize temp, Ive been told to big a swing in temp is bad for the fish, so i nneed to address this asap, do i ad a chiller? do i get up at three am and close the lids after the LR has disapated its heat? I have ordered the Nano Tuner light upgrade kit with 2 more 36 watt lamps which will double the lighting. there a couple of pic's in my gallery of the tank, any sugestions would greatly be appretiated.