Thank you, and election results


Premium Member
Thank you everyone for coming to and helping out at the swap. Turnout was down a bit, which was a bit surprising and too bad, but I think (hope!) that everyone who was there had fun.

FYI, the slate of officers that was previously nominated ran unopposed, and so the club's new officers (official start date in 2 weeks) will be:

President: Dan Rigle (rigleautomotive)
Vice President: Rick Pucciarella (rickyfins)
Vice President of Public Affairs: Scott Fernbaugh
Vice President of Marketing: Don Biggs (death17)
Vice President of Education: Larry Flint
Treasurer: Barry Foley (intimatecple)
Secretary: Larry Kravitz (cccapt)
At Large: Joe Hylka (insanefishguy)
At Large: Jon Vanness (x2uranium)

Thanks to all of our outgoing officers, and to our many swap volunteers!
For what it is worth, I attended the swap in Lancaster a little while ago but my tank was very early set up and not ready for corals. I attended this one with a much more established tank and I was very happy with the outcome. I was in a bit of a time constraint (live in honeybrook so it was 2.5 hours to get there) and was very pleased with everybody being there early and ready to go.

As a side note, did we ever figure out who's cooler was leaking out all over the place ?.