Thankful for Dr Reefs QT Fish, Hooked on invertebrates....


New member
I got my first order from Dr Reef. I appreciate his team because it feels more like a partnership than any other place I have tried so far. My two local LFS give variable advice that doesn't always jive and my success rate has been low- - of the 11 fish I purchased from local specialty stores, I have 4 survivors remaining.
Water parameters are and have been consistently excellent and I have a 140-gal tank that is stable and fully cycled. So I got invertebrates from Dr Reef. A sea star, three anemones and an urchin. They no doubt went through the shipping process with some trauma - the green bubble looked rough. I thought maybe he was a goner, but water changes in his little container and some time to rest in the dark and a little food strengthened him enough to be able to recover, get into the display tank flip off his back and get up on a rock and look like a stand up guy. I am thrilled. Big thank you to Dr Reef both on this forum with advice and for the care and patience with a newbie like me on ordering fish.
If I have an issue, I feel confident he and his team will talk me through how to solve it.
These invertebrates are so amazing to watch and learn about. I had no idea how cool they were.

To be fair also, I have a LFS guy who comes to my home every month and is teaching me, checking parameters, and provides on call advice by text, I appreciate his talent and experience so much. It is also very pricey with his last 90 min visit at $245. I can do my own water changes, and filter changes etc. I have needed help getting the ATO to work consistently, examining all the weird little worm/mini stars, etc that come into my tank occasionally, the brown/ goal algae and string algae etc. Just an experienced set of eyes to see things I wouldn't otherwise notice and help adjust.

Thank you to this forum too -- you all are so helpful and I am thankful I have a place to gain insights and advice.
Have a great weekend,
We are glad you’re here! And never hesitate to ask any questions :) it’s always good to trust but verify in this hobby.