Reefkeeping since 1977

***THE 2016 MOUNTAIN WEST REEF FEST will be held at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, downtown Salt Lake City, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th***
- 3 Special Guest Speakers!
- 12 Coral Vendors with 1000s of Corals For Sale!
- Sponsor & Vendor Booths from some of the Biggest Names in the Hobby!...
- A HUGE Raffle with HUNDREDS OF PRIZES - including ***4*** Tank / Stand / Canopy Setups!
(Courtesy of Driftwood Aquarium Furniture & Aquatic Dreams)
- An Aquascaping Contest that YOU can Enter & Win!
- Great Fun for the Entire Family!
General Admission tickets are just $15!!
VIP Packages only $30!!!
(Includes a Pre-Show Event w/ Appetizer Bar Friday night, AND a Catered Lunch Saturday, AND Early Admission to the Coral Vendor Room, and 10 FREE Raffle tickets)
To pre-order your tickets, or for hotel accommodations info, advance Raffle ticket sales, Conference Schedule and Floor Plan... Please visit the 2016 MWRF website:
-Sponsored by the Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society (WMAS)-
Utah's ONLY Saltwater Hobby Place - Since 1995!