The 40B Aquascape Experiement


New member
This is a journey through my 40 Breeder build. I will be using this thread to document each step I take towards creating this *Healthy and Thriving* reef. I've always wanted to set up a 40b reef and now I'm making it happen!

-Never give up!
-learn and progress!
-don't forget to have fun!
-Focus on the tank as a whole!
-Patience! Patience! Patience!
-Maintain a Healthy Thriving reef
-Maintain a very "clean" Aquascape
-Grow colonies(plan space for each colony to grow out and fill in)

In theory these goals are something I can refer to and look back on when I get frustrated or discouraged when things get tough. Also they will help me to avoid impulse buys with the consideration of placement and space with Aquascape taking priority. They will help me to be patient to consider the long term. "In theory" we shall see lol...

I'm into DIY so I've drilled the tank, baffled the sump, and built the stand so far. I'm currently working on painting. Next on the to do list is build a canopy.

I have the following equipment ordered:
-2x 36" Let Lighting retrofit t5 kits (brs)
-3x blue plus 1x purple plus bulbs (brs)
-60s Somatic skimmer (brs)
-Jebao dct controllable return pump(a)
-dj power strip (a)
-150 gpd rodi unit (EBay)
-tds meter (a)
-reef Krystal's salt (a)
-magnum media salinity refractometer(a)
-2 eheim heaters(a)
-Red Sea test kit (eBay)

Pictures of current progress:



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The 40B Aquascape Experiement

Slowly but surely the build continues. I fabricated the canopy today. Still needs a few finishing touches and some paint.

The panels are not secured yet I just threw them up there for the pics.

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Looking sleek! Keep up the good work!

I appreciate the feedback! I've had to put the build on hold for a few days on account of hurricane Irma. Hope to pick back up where I left off on Wednesday.

In the meantime I'm enjoying taking it easy out of the storms path casting a few lines in.

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Thankfully our area in northwest FL wasn't impacted by the storm. We are back home safe and I'm back to work on this build. Painting painting and more painting. It will definitely teach patience! (A goal of mine lol) I feel like that's all I've been doing for the past 2 weeks! Just applied the second coat to the outer canopy and the first coat to the display and sump.
Most all the equipment I ordered has arrived

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Whew I feel like I've reached a milestone. Finally the panels are installed!
this thing is looking more and more like a reef system each day. I'm proud of it! Stoked to be plumbing and installing the lighting next.

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The installation of my quad t5 setup went well and cleaned up nicely.


I'm a bit worried that it's going to be too blue. I guess we'll see once rock and sand are added.

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Good start so far, what types of corals are you going to be adding to this?

Thanks bud I appreciate it. I am going to keep mostly LPS coral with a few sps and a handful of softies. I'll do lots of acans, a few chalice, Duncan, a single scoly, pink tip neon torch, frog spawn, ora birdsnest, millepora, and some zoa's/paly's.

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I worked on the plumbing yesterday.

Found a small leak on one of the gate valve joints. I'm going to attempt to seal the leak with silicone... we shall see... the stand and sump area are coming together as well.

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Well the silicone stopped the leak and she's running optimally! Super quiet too!

I've installed the DJ strip as well

I plan on managing the wires as soon as I install the rest of the equipment.

Dang man it was big task cleaning out my storage room to make way for a water change/mixing station but I did it lol!

I will be building a stand in order to stack 2 of these 44 gallon brute containers and running my rodi straight from the spigot outside into the room. This room is not temp controlled so in the Summer time ill have to use frozen water bottle to bring down the water temp before a w/c. Winter time my heaters will do the trick.

Another task completed was drilling a small hole in the return nozzle to act as an anti-siphon.

Good thing too! Our power went out this morning around 7:30am while I was still in bed!

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The 40B Aquascape Experiement

Looks great I am about to start a 40b reef as well, looking forward to your updates

Thanks David. The 40B has such a great footprint! Do you have a build thread going yet? Currently I'm working on the salt mixing/water change station for this system. It's a must in my opinion! Nothing is better than easy and convenient maintenance. It's important for the health of the system as well. I'll post some pics of the progress later.

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Got some work done on the mixing station today [emoji106][emoji16]


Still need to add the main supports and some bracing but it's coming along nicely.

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Wow [emoji15] 5 months since my last post on this build. I'm still at it though. It's been a slow journey so far! Here are some updated pics.



I'm working on putting the hardscape together with epoxy today.

Tomorrow I'll add the sand, water and a table shrimp to start the cycle. Once the tank is cycled I plan on using a sponge filter located in the sump to filter a 20 long quarantine tank for my first fish.

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The 40B Aquascape Experiement

Hey thanks I appreciate it. I've been working on it for a while now. trying to take my time and do things better than previous builds.

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