The best-laid plans of fish and men...


New member
Alright experienced reefers. I need some advice. In winter/spring, I plan to upgrade my current 150 gallon (5x2x2) to a 300 gallon (8x 2.5 Wide x 2 deep). My first tank was a 66 cube that went to a 150 (and then later moved my 150 gallon 130 miles), so aside from the terrible logistics, I am aware of how to accomplish a big move. This will once again be exciting because of course the 300 gallon tank is going where the 150 currently resides.

Here is my first question: I have two wild true perculas now, I want to add six more perculas during the chaos of the move (quarantined beforehand). Is this a bad idea? I am inspired by Deepsea2005's 300 tank. Second part of this question: I have an h. magnifica and an rbta, should I add another anemone and get it healthy before the move to give clownfishes more places to hide/dispersing aggression? (All rockwork will be moving along with all water + new, and a little bit of live sand. I am worried about having big level shifts, although, miraculously both my past moves have gone very well knock on wood).

Third question: I will eventually get another anemone, even if I do not end up doing the 8 total clownfish. I have considered either another mag or an s. gigantea. I like the idea of trying to play with mag propagation someday, but I am loving all of the gigantic carpet anemones I keep seeing. Any thoughts on having a mag and a gig in the same tank, or am I better off with a couple mags?

Finally: This is not really for the clownfish anemone section, but I did not want to break this into two posts.

I have a yellow tang, a blue hippo tang, a blonde naso tang, and a powder blue tang (hence the tank upgrade"¦they grow up so fast"¦but seriously). I want to add a purple tang. Will the move be my best chance to do so? That will probably be my last true tang. Then I may look into a regal angel, harlequin tusk, or a Moorish idol as far as big fish are concerned. Total of 6 or 7 big fish.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Just set up a 300 gallon I moved it, it was already set up I would be prepared to hold the clownfish in the current tank until the tank is stable because once I got the already established tank up with all old water rock and sand and filtration I had a huge nitrogen spike and phosphate spike after the set up they were not present before the move so I would what I wish I did is take my time with the tank before you add nems I have 3 nems in their now while te spike is going on but all my more expensive nems still reside in the old tank best of luck! I would wait for the established 300 gallon tank before you buy another nem and clowns :)

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Thanks nemguy. Good luck with the 300. How many gallons are you running total?

It's just a plain Tenerife with a maybe 30/40 gallon sump I know taking 5 gallons out barley makes a dent in the sump level and thanks you too my nitrates are at almost 200 I can't even lower them down at all but all the fish seem fine

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Ah, I meant with all your aquariums (or at least all your display tanks)! 200 is rough. A couple weeks ago I started vodka dosing, not because I had any levels that were spiking, but rather because I was curious of a way to keep my levels low with less water changes, as I feed more and more. Right now I do about 10% water changes weekly, but man, my water has never been clearer since i started vodka dosing. Additionally, I think my protein skimmer is pulling out about double what it used to. The reason I say I think is just because my proteins skimmer seems to vary a little week by week, but carbon dosing might be something to try.
The excess skimate is from all the dead bacteria coming out of the water as vodka dosing increases the bacteria that eat nitrates and phosphates and total in my fish room roughly 850/900 gallons of saltwater lmao kind of scary if think about it

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